Hello All
We thought we would post a reminder about the information and support that Ovacome ovarian cancer charity offers, in addition to this forum. Please do let us know if you have any questions or need any further information. We would love to hear from you!
The support team are here Monday-Friday 10am-5pm on 0800 008 7054 if you need any information or want to talk anything through. We can also schedule a call at a convenient time or you can book in a videocall by emailing us or using the form on our website here: ovacome.org.uk/forms/1-to-1...
You can email us at support@ovacome.org.uk, direct message us through this forum, or text/WhatsApp us on 07503 682 311 for information and support.
There is also instant chat through our website ovacome.org.uk
We’re here to support anyone affected by ovarian cancer, so that includes friends and family, and anyone worried about their risk of ovarian cancer.
If you would like to meet others with a diagnosis, we have a range of online and face-to-face support groups, workshops and talks which you can book here: ovacome.org.uk/Pages/Events...
These include a rarer cancers group, stoma group, Under 45s group and a group for friends and family as well as our regional face-to-face meet-ups.
Our workshops include crafting, yoga and exercise.
We can also look for cancer support services in your local area.
We have over 50 information booklets available on diagnosis, treatment and living with ovarian cancer. You can view and download our range of information booklets here: ovacome.org.uk/Pages/Catego...
We can send you a paper copy of any of these if you prefer, within the UK.
There is also our range of BEAT awareness raising materials, which you can order here: ovacome.org.uk/b-e-a-t
We have a regular programme of webinars which include treatment and research updates and living with ovarian cancer. Some upcoming webinars are on lymphoedema; treatments for recurrence; and scar therapy.
There is our library of webinar recordings here, which is continuously updated: youtube.com/@OvacomeCharity...
Ovacome is a membership charity and membership is free. If you’d like to join as a member (this is different to forum membership) and be kept up to date, there are further details and a link to the form here: ovacome.org.uk/membership-b...
As a member you’ll receive our monthly community news via email, and our magazine three times a year, either paper copy or email. Previous editions of our magazine can be viewed on our website here: ovacome.org.uk/ovacome-maga...
We hope this is helpful. We’re here to support you so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes
Anna, Alice, Cathryn and all the Ovacome Team