Greeting all. I had debulking in October. Now on avastin maintenance every 3 weeks. In late February I developed incisional hernia. By march it was huge. Dr stopped avastin and sent me to a surgeon. Surgeon said he could not safely do it. Told me to wear a wrap. Do you have experience with this? I restarted avastin last week.
Hernia from debulking: Greeting all. I had... - My Ovacome
Hernia from debulking

Hi Chocolatemilk44,I am in the same boat as you but I think mine is ventral wall hernia, I had it repaired about 6 years ago. Debulking surgery in Nov & hernia appeared in April its getting big, so as of yesterday am wearing a wrap. I had a scan yesterday so will keep you posted on how I get on. Also on Avastin.
Well we are in same situation. I find the wrap better than a pointed stomach and it does help back pain. This is like being 7 months pregnant.
Disaster coming up to the summer isn't it. Did the surgeon give a reason why they are not fixing it?
Hi pixiepurple. I am having a cat scan Friday after avastin to see if any change. My ca125 is rising. He mentioned a referral to Dallas to a hernia institute. How r you.
I think this happens more often than they let you know before surgery. I have never had Avastin but developed a large ventral hernia about 18 months after surgery and now have one on the other side and another higher up. They say surgery would be impossible and very dangerous, particularly as I am now on my third recurrence after being diagnosed just over three years ago and have Primary peritoneal cancer. I have not yet found a binder large enough to cover the whole area and wearing one which just covers part is painful as it rubs around the edges. I just wear large support pants as recommended by others on this site and have adapted my wardrobe accordingly. As you say, the appearance resembles pregnancy, late pregnancy by the end of the day! It is disappointing and a real nuisance but I am learning to live with it. I hope you keep cheerful too. Best wishes
Hi - I also have a very large incisional hernia.
I saw general surgeon about it but he said no as my Oncologist couldn’t guarantee no more chemo for me. The issue being that chemo weakens the muscles etc and hernia would come back. Also very difficult due to the amount of existing scar tissue.
I tried a wrap but felt really uncomfortable in it. I now use support brief from a company called Conturve which helps a bit with support and evens out the shape a bit.
Hope y find something that helps you xx
I have this too. I was told it is an incisional hernia in my stomach area, where the muscles have separated. I can actually feel my intestines pop out. It doesn't hurt but is gradually getting bigger. No one has recommended anything other than a hernia wrap but I find them too uncomfortable to wear all day. I'm going to try core strengthening exercises and try to lose some weight. I've never had any follow up to my surgery in two and a half years, the oncologists really aren't interested. I also think I now have a bladder or vaginal prolapse as it was mentioned by a doctor in A and E where I was this week with a suspected kidney infection. Again, nothing ever asked after surgery if I'm having any problems. It's the one area where I think they have fallen down. Good luck x
I can’t believe you haven’t been followed up! You’re not getting regular CA125 tests and scans as needed? That sounds alarming to me!
Big control pants are helpful. We may look bulgy, but we’re still here! Hugs,Deb
I had debulking surgery in May 2020, when I went for my follow up appointment the consultant said I had an incision hernia on the right side, I just thought it was a swelling from surgery. He refered me straight away. Saw hernia consultant, who said he was happy to operate, but we decided to wait till I’d finished Avastan. Had surgery in Aug 2021, reopened my debulking scar so no additional scar. Went for follow up appointment and found I had another hernia on the left side. Surgery in December 2021, this time with mesh to hold it in place. No further issues. Consultant never once said he wouldn’t operate, didn’t want my quality of life effected any more than it was with OC
Have you thought of a second opinion?
Good luck
I feel for you. I had two complex incisional hernias after my initial surgery. They were very large and stopped me eating normally unless I could lie down afterwards.
I had a general surgeon who repaired them with mesh after going in on the original scar.
It took a long time to recover as I then developed a seroma but things are much better now.
I just wish we were given abdominal exercises to help heal the muscles and create core strength . I hurt hip flexors and adductors by not using my core properly until I had physio to help. This should be mandatory for all who have abdominal surgery.
Wishing you the very best.