Hello! Have some questions regarding pain... my mom dont have constant pain but sometimes she has feeling like her stomach is after gym, but when she change position there is no pain, do anyone have such? is it pain from this lymphs which are with cancer? do you have such pain with canceros lymphs? she also have big hernia and sometimes she feel same in area with hernia... she get CT scan on 15.12.22 as it was 3 month post chemo and after last chemo there still were some lymph left, after 3 month they became little bit bigger but doctor said that we can wait more 2 month and than check CT again and then start chemo... 15.02 is coming she never had any pain before but now i am so afrain after 3 month her ca 125 was up from 45 to 220 and i can imagin after 5 month it will be more more more 🙁
about pain: Hello! Have some questions regarding... - My Ovacome
about pain

Hello, it could be the effects of surgery and previous chemo. My innards used to give me intermittent pain as my organs settled for years after first line treatment. Hernia isn’t going to help either.
On the lymph nodes…I have some active ones and they don’t hurt xx
Dear girl. Stop fretting about СА125 numbers. They keep saying this numbers is nothing for them really.And YES tumors in lymph nodes gives pains and aches. They pressing on healthy nearby tissues. Your mum have to go to hospice nurses , they teaching how to manage pain and symptoms .They won't keep her there, jus train her. Xxx
I also briefly have abdominal pain after working out especially the core muscles I think we tend to forget at times the journey our bodies have been thru I had my debulking surgery in April 2021, incisional hernia repair April 2022 I just finished my sessions with a personal trainer to work on my core painful for few days also any inflammation can cause the CA125 to increase especially with a hernia along with the lymph's.
So sorry I miss-understand the hernia will cause discomfort along with all the trauma from the debulking hysterectomy