my mom has tested positive for HRD gene. We know that she may be eligible for a parp - during your journey when were you prescribed a parp?
when we’re you prescribed a parp?: my mom has... - My Ovacome
when we’re you prescribed a parp?

I was given my PARP about 6 weeks after my second line chemo. I was told it was time specific so had to have it then to qualify. I have been taking Olaparib for 2 years and 5 months. It has been amazing ,no side effects and Ca125 is 4. I'm BRCA 2 +.
I'm HRD positive (Braca negative) and am on the Parp Olaporib after my 1st cycle of treatment, in combination with Avastin.
I was prescribed Olaparib after my tumor was tested by Foundation One (Perthera Labs). It was suggested as a possible agent that might work due to my HRD status. I couldn’t afford the $2000 a month cost, so I looked for a clinical trial that included Olaparib where I got it for “free.”
hi Lind58
I had my last chemotherapy last November then 3 and half weeks later had my Avastin then was given Olaparib. Sending lots of hugs 🤗
I went on Olaparib about five weeks after chem for first recurrence. Been on it for 2.5 years. Somatic brca1.
Hi Lind58
You have to start the Parpi within 8 weeks of chemo as far as I am aware. Either after first line chemo or after subsequent chemo that has been effective. But they are withdrawing these drugs for patients on later stage chemo…
Hope your Mum gets the chance to try xx

Hi Lind58,
I can see a number of people have shared their experiences of taking PARP inhibitors and I hope that’s been helpful for you.
Just to note, it’s always important to get personalised information from your clinical team and advice on which treatments are most appropriate for you in your own unique situation.
We have some general information about targeted therapies here, but please note this information is specific to the UK:
You may have seen an earlier post about the ASCO guidelines changing in the US. If you’re interested to read more, we have put some information explaining a little about this here:
Just to clarify, the ASCO recommendations apply to the US only and do not impact the current guidelines for PARP inhibitors in the UK.
If we can help with any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact us Mon-Fri from 10am to 5pm on the support line 0800 008 7054 or via email on
Best wishes
Ovacome Support
After surgery and chemo. It was a while ago. Hopefully she’ll be on the mend soon