Dear All
One of our members is running a three week confidential online course about facing the fear of a cancer diagnosis. These are the details from Allyson, the course facilitator, who has been diagnosed with cancer herself:
"‘You’ve got cancer’ are three little words that no-one wants to hear… but I did. The emotional response felt by both my family and I was overwhelming and one of devastation; I was only able to forecast doom and gloom.
However, in time I realised this was a new chapter in my life for which I needed to prepare myself both mentally and physically but how could I do this? Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway is an amazing book written by Dr Susan Jeffers which I read over 30 years ago and has helped me to think positively over the years; I wondered if it could help me now? The answer was a resounding YES and it was then I realised I could handle my cancer diagnosis.
Fear can be damaging to our mental and physical health but by using the strategies in the book I was able to choose to hear and use positive, constructive words meaning my fear dissipated. I regularly use these strategies to manage and overcome those fears and I want to share these strategies with you.
Cancer is a life changing diagnosis, but also an opportunity to review and transform your life. During the course you will learn:
•How to filter out the unnecessary elements within your life
•Overcome your fears
•Create a positive mindset
•How to handle challenging events and the lessons to be learnt from them."
Commitment: 3 x 2.5 hours Zoom sessions : 10am-12.30. Next dates will be 21 March, 28 March and 4 April
There will be a charge to cover course materials.
Please contact to register your interest.
Best wishes
Ovacome Support