Hello ladies... sorry im asking so many questions this is my 5th since joining but I feel so anxious/stressed and worried all the time about my mum... she's much better than me ( i dont show her ) ... Mum's second round of chemo tomorrow hopefully with no reaction this time!... Her doctor then told her after all treatment is over she will be on meds to try and keep anything coming back! I know it can come back but are there any that hasnt? and what meds will she be on?.. The team are fab with her and I know she's in very good hands... Thank you all so much x
mum's second chemo tomorrow xx: Hello ladies... - My Ovacome
mum's second chemo tomorrow xx

Dear Claire,
Do not worry about asking too many questions.
There is a huge learning curve in this process, which most of us embarked upon as soon as we received our diagnosis.
You can help yourself by doing a little research yourself.
We have a wall of up to date booklets published by the MacMillan Cancer Charity on every kind of cancer and treatment options and what to expect when undergoing Chemo, etc in our Oncology waiting room, and they have been extremely helpful to me.
You can also go online and access the MacMillan Website as well as Target Ovarian Cancer, Ovacome, etc.
However, what I think your Mom’s doctors are planning is either a PARP inhibitor or Avastin, both used to keep cancer from recurring.
High Grade Serous Cancer is a fast growing Cancer, but usually responds well to treatment. But recurrence cannot be predicted, neither when or how, so it is often best to be proactive.
Your medical team seems on the case, thorough and caring.
You are very lucky.
I hope this next infusion is tolerated by your mom and congratulations for being there for your mom,
Best wishes,
Thank you laura you are really helping me... I will look into as much as I can as Im spending some time now researching about this ppc my mum has.
Im trying to get my head around it as much as I can so when the time for surgery etc comes and her care after I know what were dealing with...the care team are fantastic and they have told us they will be keeping a close eye on her every 3 months x
Hi Claire. Probably best to ask her onc what they are considering as a maintenance drug. Has your mum been tested for BRAC gene? As to your question about whether there are people whose OC didn't come back I can tell you that my Mum had stage 3 OC and hers didn't come back. She did unfortunately get another primary not linked in anyway to the OC but that was many years later. Also there are loads of ladies out there, not using sites like these whose cancer has not come back. My Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and went 32 years before it came back, only ever having had an op with no chemo. Would you consider counselling for yourself if you are finding yourself anxious or stressed? You have to look after yourself or you won't be any good for mum xx Kathy xx
Thanks kathy... they are doing this test for her tomorrow before chemo... then If it comes back positive they are going to test me and my sister ( another thing im worried about!)... Im reading up on lots of info now just finding you and the other ladies so helpfull as Im so worried... Ive been to doctors im better than i was now as on 6th week of finding out so trying to be as strong as I can...just hope my mum's dosent come back as so many stories ive read they do.. so she has a chance! do most people go into remission? thank you x
Hi Claire A lot do go into remission and it doesn't return and they are probably they ones you don't hear about to be honest. I've been in remission 3 times, this is my longest (5 years 6 months). Just remember IF it does come back there are lots of treatments out there. xx
very true thank you so much you are so helpful and it means so so much to me xxxxxxx
All the best to you and yr mum for tomorrow x Not sure if anyone has mentioned that the effects of chemo are cumulative so yr mum may feel worse after each cycle and take slightly longer to recover, but she will, just takes time xx Take each day at a time and remember if you are concerned contact the hospital for advice xx
I'll be thinking of your mum tomorrow, and hoping that everything goes smoothly for her. Vicki x
Good luck for your mother tomorrow. I sometimes think it is harder for members of the family than the patient themselves. Some never come back, some don't recur for years and others it's more quickly. As katmal says probably best to ask her onc what maintenance drug is being considered but this may depend upon the results of the BRCA test.
All the best for tomorrow.
Best of luck to your mom. We are in the same shoes! Take one day at a time (Easier said then done)
I have certainly read posts from ladies who have not had a recurrence. Please ask away!
Hi Claire, your story sounds just like mine! My mum too was diagnosed with OC just before Christmas. She had her major debulking op on 22nd Jan and starts her chemo in 2 weeks. It had spread to the peritoneum and is the high grade carcino sarcoma. I'm worried sick about my mum, I've been off work with stress and anxiety but always go and 'put my positive face on' around my mum and dad as they have enough to worry about without me adding to it. I'm hoping your mum's second chemo goes ok. Any tips for my mum's first? May be we could keep in touch and update each other with our mum's progress? Take care lovely, Vickie x
hi vickie... Im so sorry to hear about your mum...its so frightening isnt it ! My mum was ok ish after first chemo and had a bad reaction on monday to it so having her second one today...she’s having 3 chemos then surgery then 3 more chemo’s after they said to make sure!... Im also a nervous wreck!... I’ve been ill with worry and Im finally having a few days off next week i run a busy hair salon so between everything ive been out of my mind and lost a stone in a month!!!... We have to trust the doctors and ive been told they have come a long way in the last 5/6 years with this cancer... how was your mum after her op? message me anytime xxxx love claire x
my mum was 70 last june ! fit as a fiddle this came from nowhere!! devestated x
Hi Claire aww your mum sounds like one strong lady and you too ( even though you probably don't fee like you are) I bet you are being an amaxing support for your mum. But yes you definitely need some time out for you too. My boss has just told me that when I had a melt down on her before! My mum is 67 and fit as a fiddle too, very rarely went the docs but went when she needed to! She had 3 ops in 8 weeks ( initial laparoscopy and bowel surgery then big hysterectomy and debulking) and has done so well thank goodness! She had my sister's wedding 2 and a half weeks after her op so think it spurred her on. No one could believe how well she looked! Thank goodness though x hope your mum gets on ok today lovely, keep us posted! Which hospital is she at? Take care and lots of love x
You also sound strong it’s just the shock isnt it... so glad she was well enough for the wedding!.. My mum’s on her way home no reaction today!... Im so glad ive found this group its helped me so so much and it also will for you.. ( we can support each other)...my mum goes to ysbyty gwynedd in bangor (alaw ward) they are amazing with her... we live in pwllheli north wales you may have heard of abersoch ... Wishing your mum all the best and take care of yourself too...lots of love and hugs from us xxxxxxx
Hi Claire
I've just sent a message to Vickie whose mum is also having chemo.
I hope you mum's second chemo went OK. Is she scheduled to have debulking surgery? My mum was diagnosed in Dec 2013. Grade 3c. I remember she phoned me in the Oct or Nov to say an ultrasound had picked up masses on both of her ovaries. My heart just sank and I went into shock. I just knew what it was. I just thought she wouldn't be around for long. And she's still here!! She had Carbo/Taxol then debulking then more Carbo/Taxol. Unfortunately, she did recur a few months after finishing her chemo even though the treatment seemed as though it was successful. Then she had a different kind of chemo called Caelyx x 6. Although her CA125 hovered around the 100 mark she remained stable for around 18 months then the beast woke up. She had Carbo/Taxol again and it seems to have zapped the tumours. She's been stable since July 2017. She is due for her next three month check next Tue and is always so nervous. I live over 200 miles away but go down as often as possible. The thing is, when I go with her for her onc appointments I'm a nervous wreck!!
Her quality of life is pretty good. She was 82 in October. She doesn't look her age at all. She's still driving! She lives in a great village and has loads of friends which is great.
I just love your part of the world. I used to go out with a man whose parents had a holiday cottage in Abersoch. He sailed a dinghy so I used to go down there quite often with him. The relationship eventually ended and I missed North Wales so much!!
Anyway, sending hugs to you and your mum. Keep strong - it's all we can do!
Jane XXX
hi jane! wow what a lovely message! thank you! so glad your mum is still alive messages like this helps me ( us) so much!... full surgery is going to happen in april.. then 3 more chemos!.. then 3 monthly check ups plus they said anti drug treatment!.... ahh yes very lucky to live here lived here all my life.. so has mum ! she did well today!.. I know the hard days are coming again ! big hugs to you and love xxxx