I had my second chemo 2 weeks ago and seem to be getting almost like a burning feeling straight away with anything I drink and indigestion most of the day, anyone had the same, best cure? I went through 6 rounds of chemo last year and never had a problem with it
Indigestion : I had my second chemo 2 weeks ago... - My Ovacome

Hi Elfed. I suffered with indigestion during my last chemo and again now. I find that sitting up straight helps the wind to come up and relieves the pressure. Also eating small portions slowly. Hope you find a solution as it is uncomfortable. I never suffer with it when I am not on chemo.
Maybe try something like Gaviscon and if that doesn't work speak to your team or gp, They can help you out on this
Hello Elfed - I also suffered and found that it was the anti-sickness tablets, I thought is was the steroids but no. Cant win can we!
Do they give you ranitidine or something to protect the stomach before all the meds? I had that at my first hospital. You can also take something like omeprazole tablets before you load in all the steroids, anti-sickness etc - I personally think that the steroids are the culprits that cause indigestion
Hi I suffer with terrible heartburn/indigestion and even though I do get ranitidine IV prior to my chemo a day or so later I really suffer! I was eating gaviscon tablets with some relief but not for long! So I now take lanzoprazole 30mg daily and I’ve been fine since on this!
Hi Elfred. I was also given ranitidine for 1st few chemos and had no problems. I would take it again if indigestion started. hope it all improves soon. Also your nurses may have some thoughts for you. Hugs from Oz.
I have had several rounds of chemo and the oncologist prescibes omeprazole with the anti sickness meds. I take them regularly and they really help. Morag
Oh yes that's horrendous. I have one Lansoprazole 30mg as I wake. Nothing to eat for at least 30 to give it a chance to work. I spoke to GP about heart burn/indigestion later in the day and she said glug some Gaviscon as Suzuki suggested. I have the Lansoprazole on repeat prescription now. Hope this helps.
Maureen xx
Agree with the ladies. You might want to ask for an antacid as part of the chemo pre-meds (like Ranitidine etc), or ask your onc or gp for a prescription for omeprazole or somesuch, to take by mouth prior to the day of chemo or anti-emetic/steroid drugs. They will be able to advise if for any reason, you should not take those antacids during your chemo.
Hope it gets better soon. Xx. Maus