Searching for a diagnosis. I’m a breast cancer survivor as of 2016. It was dcis. For the past year I’ve had pain in my lower right pelvic area. It never goes away. I had an ultrasound it showed a simple cyst in my left Anexa. They couldn’t locate my ovaries. I’m very bloated. I just had a colonoscopy, and diagnosed with Diverticulosis. I ask her about the pain , she told me it was gym related. I’m sixty years old. I was on estrogen for eight years before dcis. I’m worried. Breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. There’s something wrong. I’m thin but have a bloated belly that doesn’t go down. Several months ago my ca125 was 16. If anyone has any suggestions.
Searching for a diagnosis. : Searching for a... - My Ovacome
Searching for a diagnosis.

Hi If I was in your shoes I would seek a second opinion and also ask for your CA125 to be checked again now. Hopefully you will find that it is indeed what you have been told but it won't hurt to get yourself checked again. Oh, and don't be fobbed off and made to feel you are over reacting. This is your body, your life xx Do let us know how you get on. xx Kathy xx
If you were on tamoxifen, it causes ovarian cancer. Ask for a cat scan and have a ca125 test. See where your markers are. You should see you oncologist. More tests. ❤❤Liz
I agree, I'd press for a second opinion on
1) the basis of family history. If you have had breast cancer, your chances of ovarian too increase, tamoxifen or not
2) CA 125 is not always a reliable marker for us all
3) not being able to see your ovaries.
4) Did this come on suddenly? And do you have any of the other BEAT symptoms?
If so, add them to the reasons for second opinion
5) If they have prescribed treatment for the diverticulitis and it has had no impact on the bloating, that also strengthens the case for a closer look, ruling out worst case scenarios.
good luck!

Thank you so much for your advice. I didn’t have to go on Tamoxifen. I had dcis in my right breast. I had a bilateral mastectomy in 2016, so I didn’t need to take it. They told me it will probably never come back. I’m sixty, and have had pain in my lower pelvic area and lower back for months. Something isn’t right. I was on estrogen for eight years before my diagnosis. When they did the ultrasound they couldn’t find my ovaries, only a cyst on my left anexa. I have bloating and indigestion. I have a Dr.’s appt next Thursday. I’m not on any treatment for the Diverticulosis, just more fiber. Thank you so much for your advice. Hopefully they’ll figure it out. My fear is that it’s an easily missed diagnosis.