Hi everyone
Just wanted to ask if anyone had tried any alternative therapies such as curcumin or essential oils etc and what your experience was like.
Thanks loads,
Di xx 💐
Hi everyone
Just wanted to ask if anyone had tried any alternative therapies such as curcumin or essential oils etc and what your experience was like.
Thanks loads,
Di xx 💐
Hi Di. Yes I took liquid curcumin every day, 1 month after I finished chemo. (Not meant to take it during chemo but am doing it now for 2 days on 1st recurrence away from chemo day) Took it for 3 years before as well. You have to mix it with black pepper and bit of coconut oil so it can cross the blood/brain barrier. Sometimes I just do the black pepper! I feel it has helped me alot. The liquid is the most pure form of it.
Just be aware that it is a bit of a blood thinner so you can't take it if you are on warfarin etc. You have to stop taking it 10 days before any surgery etc. There is heaps of great information on it on Google and also look for curcumin and cancer, Hugs from Australia
Hi Di,
If I recall correctly, Anna, the Ovacome Support manager, put together a post focusing on alternatives, recently and there was some discuussion on this.
I'm not sure how to find it, so maybe best contact her directly, either by email, which I think is ovacome@ovacome.org.uk or use the freephne 0800 008 7054?
Warm eishes,
I used turmeric capsules, high dose vitamin C, apple cider vinegar and cannabis oil. Have no idea whether they really make a difference. Mixed reviews from the medics too
If it makes you happy and you feel you are getting benefit then it has to be worth it
LA xx
I have only done alternative therapies since my surgery 2 years ago for OC. I switched to a mostly raw food vegetarian diet (80%-20%), no sugar or dairy. I supplement with ginger root, turmeric, COQ10, mushrooms, D3, B12, modified citrus pectin, Amla fruit powder, Moringa powder, pHresh greens powder, and Essiac tea. I have had no recurrence to date. If interested in details, send private PM. Best wishes in your continued healing from this difficult disease.
Hi Di,
Yes.. I have done quite a few alternative therapies and I also take Curcumin and other supplements.
I could not say if or what acted on my cancer persay, but before my last chemo began, my ca125 had begun to drop significantly...so something was working. And my consultants were a little baffled.
You can see the details on my profile page, or I can private message you?
Lots of love, and yes do keep up your interest, as it is my belief that there are things we can to help ourselves and make our immune systems stronger.
Nicky xx
My mom (69 years) had her recurrence last year , since then she is taking curcumin , moringa , artmesian extract , and many other supplements , she also had chemotherapy , so far it is stable just little progression (I think because of the chemo , I have recommended her not to take it ) , also she she changed her diet no sugar , lots of vegetables and fruits , no red meat (only lamb meat once a week ) no poultry , lots of whole grains , she also takes manuka honey , gralic , black cumin .. water with Carbonate Sodium or with lemon