Hi Finished 1st line chemo in January - throughout the journey from illness to waiting list to big op to diagnosis to chemo I never had any problems with anxiety - I was worried and sometimes fearful or sad but in the last 8 month’s since I’ve gone back to work I’ve had 3 major anxiety attacks - each time in a minor confrontation scenario - I’ve had to leave the office and go home. Is this some sort of delayed reaction to the stresses of last year? Has anyone else had any mental health problems after treatment that they are willing to share? I’m feeling a bit of a failure that I can’t seem to deal with the minor problems anymore when I dealt with the major ones just fine.... thanks Alison x
Anyone else had Anxiety attacks long after chemo? - My Ovacome
Anyone else had Anxiety attacks long after chemo?

I am still on Avastin but finished carbo/taxol in February. I am having a few anxiety issues which are certainly not me. I have heard someone describe it as a type of post traumatic stress disorder which does make sense
Alibee2, After 34 weeks of chemo I believe I've suffered brain damage to the seat of my impulse control. When in stressful situations I find I am totally unable to filter/edit myself and will LOUDLY BLURT WHATEVER COMES INTO MY MIND! This problem has become so distressing that I've had to remove myself from potential conflicts before they can even arise. I also find myself weeping at any emotionally positive or touching situation. Luckily I am self employed and nearly retired. Other than that, I am very happy and leading a comfortable life post treatment. (Yes, there are other permanent side effects, but they are all manageable.)
Ali you have just had one of the most traumatic experiences any human being could have , followed by very very aggressive treatment. It's no wonder you feel rough from time to time. Many people find counseling really helpful , you might want to consider this if it happens again.
Love n hugs xxx
Great suggestion! asked GP & no counselling up here atm unless I am suicidal - and I’m not - instead there is a ‘self help’ practitioner and my name is now on her list. I will also see if I can access counselling through Maggies ... Ali x
Hi Alison-the psychologist at our Maggie's is lovely
She takes our gynae support group.
Take care xx
Hi - I’m going to drop into Maggies tomorrow before an appt and see if I can arrange a phone consultation - I was going to call you re lunch but they moved my appt from 10 to 12:30 so I only have a half day off and another opticians appt @ 2 and dog to pick back up @ 4 so can’t meet up with you - great shame as I love our chats and you have been a wonderful support to me! Hopefully I will be back up b4 Xmas! I’m going to treat this problem as another pothole in the road to recovery .... Ali xxx
Hi and nice to know I am not abnormal. I have same problem. Finished chemo last January after usual carbo/taxol for ovarian cancer stage 3 discovered after cytoreductive surgery at Christies for bowel cancer which they suspected had spread to peritoneum. Previously had chemo for bowel cancer after op to remove part of bowel in summer of 2015. Have had two check ups this year at local hospital inNottingham and both cancer counts CEA and CA125 within normal range. I should be over the moon. I am relieved of course but part of me cant quite believe it. I dont sleep well and although I try to damp down the anxiety it is very hard. Fortunately I am retired but very active so got no excuse whatsover. TRied mindfulness but find playing golf and walking work better in some ways. I am hoping over time the anxiety and bouts of depression will ease. I still get bad neuropathy in my feet which doesnt help especially when in bed so know that is not good for sleeping properly.
Hi Alison
Yes can totally relate to this . Also finished my chemo in January , a year since my surgery and have 3 more Avastin to go .
As a previous post mentioned you are likely to be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress , you have been running on survival mode, it takes longer for the brain to heal and we need time to process what we have been through . You think you are ok and then the slightest of things can send you off balance . Also find decision making hard.
I used to be a busy primary school teacher and although I am physically fit know that mentally I couldnt cope with all the multi tasking and noise of the classroom . Just imagine me loosing it like one of the 5 year olds !!!!
I needed 1 to 1 counselling last year , around when I finished my chemo . It is normal to feel like this so don’t be afraid to ask for help via your gp or CNS . Am also on a ‘fear of recurrence ‘ course at Guys at present that is helping. ( Am stage 4 , currently NED with everything crossed ) It has definitely helped me to be able to express my emotions to a group of strangers who know exactly what you have been through and also to learn about how the brain works .
The counsellor likens it to us trying to shove an oversized duvet into a small cupboard, we just about manage and get the door shut but it doesn’t take much for the door to fly open without warning and the duvet come jumping out.
Be kind to yourself, even wonder women needs a break 😀 And a helping hand .
Love and best wishes Kim 💜