Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well. For the last two weeks, my mom and I have been anxiously waiting the results from her CA125 and her CT scan. Today, we heard back on the CA125, which was 8; the lowest it's every been (was 9 after front-line; and 10 one month after). We also got paperwork mailed from the clinical trial she is participating in (more on that in a bit); so we think her CT came back well, as you need to be NED to participate. We have an appointment with the gynea-oncologist Tuesday, so we should hear more about that then.
For all the Americans out there, I wanted to bring your attention to a clinical trial that you might be available for you if you are ned. My mom's friends reoccurrence got detected from the trials routine CT scans; though her CA125 was normal. Because of this, mom is adamant about 3 month scans; and with her deductible being $250, it adds up quick. Bit sad isn't it; going on the clinical trial so the tests and scans are free.
The trials is on diet and physical activity vs usual activity and improving progression free survival. Rather intrusive trial with most of the consultations being on telephone calls with the counselor.
Here is the link if anyone is interested in looking in it: clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show...
Kris x