Feeling terrible: This is the week after my... - My Ovacome

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Feeling terrible

Wendy53 profile image
20 Replies

This is the week after my second round of chemo and it's 3.30am. I'm feeling terrible, Ive had the worst couple of days with feeling zapped. The pains in my legs and arms yesterday, I thought were bad but do not compare to today. I've developed a sore throat, which I think are ulcers and struggling to eat, so the nausea had returned. I'm usually positive but at the moment I'm feeling I can't do this, it's too much! Hopefully this will pass soon and I'll be feeling more normal, whatever that is now. I just wanted to acknowledge all you brave people out there, who are battling through this, as I don't feel I've fully appreciated how tough this can be until this evening.

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Wendy53 profile image
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20 Replies
woolton profile image

Poor you you need to speak to your Oncologist and get the doseage reduced I had the exact same thing I was in agongy don't suffer I was prescribed oralmorph and it done the trick

I had to postpone chemo because of the ulcers I had five under my tongue and loads around my mouth very painful get some pineapple juice or freeze some pineapple chunks they do work also get your Dr to prescribe corsydol the one with no alcohol in and a gel to cover the ulcers

This will pass you may need to ring the triage on your chemo card

Please don't suffer there is help out there

Stay strong and good luck xxx

Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Wendy. Its tough I know and I well remember laying on the sofa or on my bed crying because I didnt feel like I would ever feel 'normal' again but I did and so will you. Hang in there the side effects will pass then you will look back and wonder how you got through it but you will have. Dont suffer in silence though, ring the number on your chemo card and see what they can do for you . Sending you a big hug , Take care Kathy xx

Rosewall101 profile image

Dear Wendy, , it can feel so tough can't it, particularly at night. Can I suggest you speak with your oncologist. There are strong pain killers they can prescribe, plus ondansetron is a very good anti nausea. I found sleeping terribly difficult and so took sleeping tablets for the week after each chemo. They knocked me out all night and though I still felt bad, that was 8 hours each evening I was knocked out.

I also seemed to survive on sliced apples, Melon and rich tea biscuits, and Jacobs cream crackers after each chemo. Plus Parma ham too. The fruit may hurt your mouth ulcers at the moment though. But really little amounts and often. It's seems counterintuitive but eating helped the nausea a little.

It is can be so tough. But I'm thinking of you. I call 3am 'the witching hour'. Worst time for thinking and feeling terrible. I hope today is a little easier for you. Hugs, T. X

rosann1 profile image

Dear Wendy, I remember being exactly the same, I thought I would never get through it. The doctor gave difflam for my mouth ulcers and I used a straw when drinking. Your sore throat could be due to acid reflux, which I had plenty of! Ring your oncology helpline and they should give you something to help. I found it useful to write my symptoms down ready for when I saw my consultant next.

I remember feeling frightened, and i thought I would never get through it, and yet some how I did. You are not alone Wendy, you will get there, don't be afraid to ask for help.


AlisonBoyd profile image

As you say, hopefully this will pass soon. I remember during my chemotherapy feeling really disappointed when I didn't feel better every day, but of course I had ups and downs just like in 'normal' life. Hope you'll start feeling a little better very soon.

angelina profile image

Thinking of you as I remember it well. You've had some good advice, try and think the pain is killing the little monsters and you will get through this.

I'm now 5yrs since diagnosis and feel very lucky for the treatment I was given.

My oncologist prescribed Gabapentine for the awful pain so do please get in touch with your nurse.

Big hug ((X))

Lynda x🌷X

Leeds2015 profile image

Yes I remember first line and the aches and pains. You need to get on top of the sickness, take the pills regularly before you start feeling sick. Lots of ginger, pineapple. Argos do a good small electric heat pad which is quite good for a aches and pains. Epsom salts baths to ease the pains. You will find your way through chemo. Make the most of your good days and have some good books and telly for the bad days xx

Deesales profile image

Do get in touch with you CNS Clinical nurse specialist and get something for the pains. Hang in it will pass, don't be afraid to make a fuss, it was a lesson I had to learn. I had some mouthwash for the ulcers. Keep going....... Dee

Wendy53 profile image

Thank you everyone for your kind responses. You've given me some positive and useful information on things I can do to try and reduce the symptoms. I am feeling a little better this morning, nights are always worse aren't they, and hopefully will be over this little hurdle soon. Big hugs xxx

Ange09062016 profile image

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling these symptoms.mStay strong! You can do this. You are one step closer to your recovery. I pray that you feel better and get the strength you need. Xoxo.

Sunfleury-UK profile image

Glad you are feeling a little better... it can be really tough and as you say, night times the worse (I think going though chemo often felt like I was in a bubble by myself). Can only echo many of the other suggestions- Difflam (prescribed) was the only thing that helped my mouth but it gave almost immediate relief and healing... I think others have found pineapple helpful too. I found the most important thing was to accept that there would be tough days and nights BUT things would improve... Be kind to yourself and do whatever feels right for you- sometimes unrealistic expectations, pressures and frustrations add too great a burden. You will I am sure find your own way through this but it's good to ask for help, support and advice from your CNS, helpline or GP as there will be things they can do. Chemo affects everyone differently without rhyme or reason!

Do try to drink plenty of water or juice, rest when you can, move a little and often- even to the end of the garden or road.... In the middle of the night, I found iplayer or Netflix box sets the best distraction and only way to calm my head enough for sleep...

Wishing you hope and strength S XXXXX

jmackmom profile image

I don't mean to sound harsh but you must take control. Side effects can be minimized or taken care of completely. First talk to your oncologist because they may want to dial down or change the chemo itself. Ondansetron in the daytime and Ativan at night did the trick for nausea. Ativan will also make you sleepy and is an antianxiety medication. Do not wait to feel sick before you take the meds. Take them round the clock but give your body a rest when you think the nausea has passed. Those meds also have side effects chiefly constipation so ask what to do about that. L-Glutamine powder can help with digestive issues and prevent neuropathy. Once your mouth sores are under control with a mouthrinse your onc gives you, or even starting now, rinse and gargle with warm water, salt, and sodium bicarbonate. It works! Try to find a way to eat something. Check out websites like Cancer Centers of America. You can take control and advocate for yourself especially with the help of this support group and don't ever be afraid to call your oncologist. Don't give in to despair. And HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE

caf132 profile image

Hi Wendy-I just finished my 6 rounds of carbo/taxol on Tuesday. I also had sore throats, sore skin on day 3 & 4 when I got the carbo every three weeks. I think this was from the steroid. This made it hard to swallow. If I did not eat small snacks throughout this time I got nauseous. Try eating yogurt or applesauce when your throat is raw or cold foods. The taxol often made me wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning owl eyed, ready to get up rather than lie in bed and think about the chemo. I often got on this site for support from all the wonderful ladies here. You can do this!!!!! Try to exercise every day. I worked throughout the treatments, a very physical landscape job. With our very hot summer I do believe that the sweating outside helped to get the chemo drugs out of my system. Perhaps a sauna might help?

Keep us posted on your progress!!! We are there for you!! Carol

slfranklin profile image

I felt the same after my first treatment. Honestly I considered not finishing my treatment because of the pain but it got better after a few days. Hang in there! Better days are ahead and you'll look back and realize how very strong you are! Hugs!

Choski profile image

If you haven't already done so please ring your unit and let them know how you feel. There is always something that can be given. Don't worry if the dosage is reduced next time, mine (the Taxol) was reduced after chemo 1 and again after chemo 2 and finally stopped after chemo 4. I ended up on three different meds and anti nausea bands and had Carbo only for the last two. You need to let them know how you are being affected as you don't want to to be left with long lasting problems due to chemo.

Take care


Oh you poor thing! I remember so well feeling like you this time last year- in particular the pains in arms and legs and being on my computer at 3am! I took strong painkillers when necessary (Tramadol) and they certainly helped. Please don't beat yourself up about feeling down, it's only natural, we can't be positive all of the time. It can be a really tough road sometimes, but.........it will pass! I agree with the other ladies who suggest that your dosage could be lowered. Speak to your oncologist. I was due to have chemo yesterday (2nd one in 2nd line) but my bloods were very low and it was postponed until next week and my onc said he will proceed with a lower dose in the future as the current dose is causing me grief! I also found carbo/taxol very tough - I'm on carbo/cyclophosphamide now but still my bloods are low. The CNS told me that it's a sign that I'm very sensitive to chemo and overall that's a good thing - even though I feel the side effects more keenly.

Take care and be good to yourself!


HI Wendy I do hope you got to sort out the mouth ulcers etc today, As advised, difflam is good but if you need pain relief you have to ask for it otherwise they will assume you are managing away. The team are there to help you and I remember being scared to ask for help in case they stopped the treatment. It is a scary time we go through. But I got paste for the mouth ulcers and better anti nausea tabs etc. Epsom salts in a warm bath for twenty minutes will help with the pains and aches but please dont suffer in silence ring your CNS

judyved-US profile image

Hi Wendy......I don't have anything else to offer other than reiterating the suggestions from all these wonderful ladies. It WILL pass, and you WILL feel good again. In the meantime, I send good thoughts and prayers and hugs. JudyV

thesilent1 profile image

Hi Wendy, sorry, I've just read your post this morning. I do so understand wheat your going through. I hope you're feeling better by now but you do need to report this to your oncologist. I suffered terribly with bone pains during first line chemo. When it came to going back on chemo I told the cons of my fears about the bone pains. She prescribed additional steroids for me, I tookj them for a week each time in a redfucingf dose. It did the trick, no more bone pains. Good luck. Ann xx

Bhuvank profile image

I understand your struggle with chemo. I wish and pray god for speedy recovery

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