Hi! Hope you all are having a good day! Another question about Neuropathy. Anyone been put on Lyrica because of Neuropathy. Did it help? My doctor called in a prescription cream but it hasn't helped at all. My hands hurt continously & I just want relief. Thanks in advance for insight!!!
Lyrica for Neuropathy: Hi! Hope you all are... - My Ovacome
Lyrica for Neuropathy

Others talk about bathing in Epsom salts to relieve aches and pains from chemo,maybe you could talk to your pharmacist?
Carole xxx
My sister has bad neuropathy and says Lyrica is helpful, but makes her feel dozy. She preferred it to Gabapentin. Hope you find something that helps. Deb xx
I have been on Cymbalta for neuropathy from taxoĺ/carbo since last autumn. That neuropathy meant numb fingers, some toes and part of the soles od my feet as well as floppy feet. Floppy feet fixed after physio and cymbalta seemed to keep from getting worse. I am still on it to help merves heal. Since being on avastin alone have painful neuropathy in my feet and ankles. I tried lyrica on top of the cymbalta and it did not work. Part of the issue seems to be calf muscles that are very tight. Physio and cold packs on my feet at night with liberal doses of neurofen and solpadeine works best for me. I know I can only use those painkillers since I finished the chemo drugs. While the pain is not gone it is getting less and less.
Hope this helps
I take Lyrica for neuropathy, but in my case the neuropathy is caused by arthritis in my neck. I have an osteophyte that presses on the nerve that serves my right arm, causing pain, tingling and numbness. I take 25mg in the morning and 50mg at night, as the pain is most troublesome at night. I find that it works very well.
Hope that you find something that helps, whether Lyrica or something else!
I haven't so far taken any medication for the neuropathy as all of the available drugs seem to have their own side effects. I am taking Vit B complex and having acupuncture but whether it is really doing any good is difficult to tell. The pains are greatly subsiding but the numbness is still a problem as is the tingling. My fingers can now do much more than they could, i.e. opening bottles, jars, holding a pen properly but it is my feet that still are a problem. Still, it's only three months since my last chemo and I have high hopes yet, my typing is much much better.
I'm sorry I can't be much help, but had to post. I really thought that said lycra - oops!
LA xx
Cymbalta is helping my neuropathy.
Hi I take Lyrica for helping with breakthrough pain caused by Tumor pressing on nerve endings but neuropathy in hands and feet from carbo taxol is kicking in now and I find that lyrics also dampens this down very well. I am also taking slow release abtal and lynx or hard capsules for pain relief but it seems to to be the Lyrica which is most effective for nerve pain. Hope this is helpful. Ann
I'm here to see what you all have tried for your neuropathy. My mom suffers from it so badly. Was wondering about lyrics...?