I've read a lot of posts this week where ladies are having a really hard time and it hits home and makes me sad because I do understand totally how you are feeling. I may not always say the right things but I just want to send each and everyone of you a big hug and hope that today you all feel a bit better xx Thinking of you all ladies xx Kathy
Hello Ladies: I've read a lot of posts this week... - My Ovacome
Hello Ladies

Well said Kathy, thanks and hugs right back at you as well xx
You always say the right thing Kathy. I hunt you down on this site when I'm having a wobble or its scan time lol Love and hugs xox
That's lovely xx
That was a lovely post as I know sometimes we are at a loss of what to say when others are having a hard time, I am sending you a big hug and hope you have a really nice weekend
Kathy, I have always found your posts full of insight and very thoughtful. You've helped me tremendously. Thank you for your hug and this from me who doesn't do hugs other than babies and young children. All the best. Helen
That is a lovely post. And helps us newbies with this horrid disease. X
Lovely!, it can be hard though can't it?, luck we all have each other xxx
You always say the right things. You are marvellous xxx
Kathy, you're an angel. I've just hit a rough patch, pulled into hospital, and cancer spreading, and I really appreciate your words, thank you.
Hugs to everyone xxx
Hi Foss. Im sorry to hear you are in hospital but hope you are comfortable. Thinking of you xx
What a lovely post........thank you!
Thank you Kathy
You always know the right things to say. I think we all worry if we feel we haven't shown empathy to a fellow traveller. Sometimes it's difficult to strike the right balance.
I worry that my posts can be too long and moany ! I try to be helpful if I have the same experience but then so do all the lovely ladies here. Their advice me is invaluable and you always have very wise words. Take care . That was a lovely warm post.
I am in the doldrums somewhat Kathy. Scan week after next and waiting seems particularly cruel this time. Watch this space as I want to put up a post with lots of questions for my wise friends out there either before or after my scan. Meanwhile I am lying low and reading everyone else's posts . It is comforting to know that other women are fighting alongside me.
Sorry to hear that Molly. I think we all go through that from time to time. In some ways Im a bit like that at the mo. I think the thing is we cant escape this new 'normal' we have no matter how long since we've been diagnosed. What I would give for one day free from being a victim of cancer, back to my fighting weight, put on loads and just basically have nothing to worry about but hey ho thats not gonna happen and I know there are loads of wonderful ladies out there worse off than me, god bless them all xx
I know exactly what you mean Kathy. You just cannot explain that to anyone who hasn't gone through this. I sometimes wistfully say to myself and anyone who cares to listen " I would give the whole world for a carefree 10 minutes of life right now " . But then I have to use that awful phrase " it is what it is ! " Right now I am taking my mind off everything by planning an outfit for yet another wedding ! I had my hair cut in a really short style which isn't bad ! In the beginning my dreams never included Cancer but now they do which really annoys me very much. Meanwhile this site is my comfort blanket. Thanks for listening Kathy. I am half watching the big match between France and Portugal . I do try to start each day as a really new day and don't look back or forward . I forget to follow this sometimes and end up feeling really rotten like last week . I didn't even know this was called Mindfulness but it helped me from the very beginning. We will not give in Kathy. Take care.
Kathy, thank you for such a kind post. I know what you mean and I worry about my posts aswell - are they too personal or whether they're too much about me if I'm replying to someone in difficulties. Or worse, if I'm too sure about some thing or seem flippant. I'm worrying now that I said something glib. Thank you for expressing in your message what I feel.
My children are now on their school holidays... I really don't know how I'm going to juggle chemo and the kids but in calm moments I hope that tv and frozen pizza will save the day. Plus Andy Murray won the tennis!
T. X
Hi T . Just seen your photo of your beautiful children, that's tough on you going through chemo with ones so young (mine are grown up and I'm infact a Nana to two boys 7 and 5 and a beautiful baby girl just turned 1) . I hope you have lots of help. How's the chemo going, I know you were struggling and I also know you have already been through so much. Hope you are doing ok. Kathy xxx