Still worried about the op and the recovery, main fear is have a big tummy with a big overhang as am quite overweight (although have lost some weight). Worried op will be much more risky, (how do they cut through all that fat) has anyone got any positive stories that may help me. Off to stay in hotel Tonight as hospital is Cheltenham so to save journey in the morning as is over 1 hour by car so hope have some positives messages to open when I get there, wish me luck folks x
Debulking op in the morning........... - My Ovacome
Debulking op in the morning...........

Good luck!! Don't worry about any fat as these days it's not a big problem for surgeons and anaesthesia...I had mine last April and post op vomiting was the worst but drugs got on top of that. Be prepared as the nurses like to get you up and running on a quick recovery programme..the first couple of days I realise now I'd been in the shower even!!!! You will be fine..positive vibes sending your way and try and get some sleep..x
Oh don't worry, it is a little uncomfortable post op with stitching, but I used a towel when walking around to support my weak stomach muscles and it was very helpful. I don't think it's the risk it used to be maybe because more of us are over weight these days.
For me post op I didn't even think about any of that all I could think about was sleep and good pain relief.
Good luck
LA xx
Happy to wish you luck for tomorrow... stop finding things to worry about... surgeons have seen all shapes and sizes! Hoping your hotel is comfy and you get a good night's sleep.... xxxx

Many thanks in hotel in bed drinking tea and eating a few goodies as nil by mouth from Midnight xxxx
Wishing you all the best for the morning, you will be fine, it`s been a year on Saturday for me, minute by minute you will get stronger,
Leenie x
Best of luck, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. xxx
thanks xxx kaz
Hi Kas
all the very best for tomorrow. I had mine in July 2012 and was amazed at how soon I recovered. As has been said, they do like to get you moving quickly, especially when you just want sleep! Once you're home, find a private part of your garden and flash the tum to the sun, the vit D will do it the world of good......even better with a glass of vino in your hand!
Keep us updated x
Best of luck today we will be thinking of you, my operation went well went home within 4days and took things easy, let the family take the strain, pain killers will help and remember not to lift anything heavy. Hope results all good much love jenny xxx
Hope by now it is over and you are up and walking and on the mend. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Just want to wish you well. Don't be weorrying. The surgeon will manage. As for your tummy, all I can say is, don't focus too much on it, look at the positives, mainly that you are alive. When you feel well enough and treatment is complete then you can start ygo do something a bout it. All the best. As nn xo
Dear Kas
Hope today goes really well, sure youll be fine. Just make sure you get regular painkillers, and accept any help if you need. Sure youll make some good friends whilst youre in , brings out the ' war time spirit' in everyone, and plenty of laughs. Just hold your stiches if laughibg too much. I remeber each morning the cheery tea trolley man would seradade us all and sing songs about how beautiful we all were ., the old ladies loved it... Hope youre out soon , let us know
Hilary xx
Just sending good wishes and a message for you when you look online again. Hope the surgery went well and you're starting the recovery process.
For me, wind was the worst thing to worry about. I was told the only way to dispel it is to walk and that's just what happened to me - even walking on the spot helps.
Hope you're home recovering and being spoilt very soon. xxx love Annie
Hope everything went well. I recovered really quickly after my debaulking surgery. It was a quicker recovery than I had from my hysterectomy 30yrs ago! Hope you have a speedy recovery and remember not to try to do too much too soon.
Annette xxx
Hope all went well. I had my surgery in November 13 all went well and still feeling good. Wishing you luck with your recovery