Thank you for your encouragement everyone, I really appreciate it. I just wondered if anyone else had high grade and found that the cancer responds again ok to chemo. I finished my first chemo session in March last year. I just want to compare notes and feel resassured that it will work again with high grade. Lovis x
High grade ovarian cancer recurrence - My Ovacome
High grade ovarian cancer recurrence

Hi, its an unfortunate stat that most ovarian cancers are detected at stage 3 or 4 and most of these are high grade. Its also an unfortunate stat that most of these will experience a recurrence at some point. The good news is that most will respond to chemo be it their 2nd, 3rd, 4th or more line of treatment. It is often said that high grade responds to chemo better than low grade. Love Paul xx
It is very disappointing when it comes back but thankfully there are lots more chemos out there to help us. just have to go through it again and have some more well time. Gillx
Hi Lovis, My Oncologist has always told me that high grade Ov Ca responds well to chemo again, far better than low grade does, and was why he wouldn't agree to me having any more chemo for three and a half more years after I had a recurrence.
Good luck and fingers crossed that you'll be fine for years,
Love, Solange
I have high grade and have just finished 6 doses of Caelyx for a first recurrence. I finished chemo the first time round at the end of August 2012 and started again last September for my first recurrence. My scan shows no evidence of tumours and my CA level has come down fro 146 to 35. So, keep positive, chemo certainly can work for a recurrence. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a longer remission than last time. Good luck to you.x
Hi, Lovis.
My cancer is a different one, but just wishing you good luck with your new chemo.
Hugs, Fernanda
I have high grade cancer and have had two recurrences (so three lines of chemo) I am still here and was diagnosed in 2008.
Best wishes love x G x
Hello to one and all,
Please would someone define 'high grade' for me? I have not come across this definition before being a newbie to OC. I have 'well differentiated endometriod OC, stage 1c' but being treated as stage 2 as there was a risk of tumour rupture during the op. Does 'high grade' equate to 'well differentiated'? Forgive my ignorance!
Dear Alex,
I am sorry this is a late, I have only just read your question, I just wanted to say that as you have got a "well differentiated" ovarian cancer... that this means it is low grade.. in other words slow also seems as if you caught it at an early stage... (so it is early stage and low grade)
I hope you are doing ok....Thinking of you love x G x
There are 3 grades, low, medium and high. High is aggressive and poorly defined as ovarian cancer cells. It is also grows faster and is more likely to spread...............not good really!
Hi Lovis, I was diagnosed high grade serous OC stage 111 August 2012 I have had 2 rounds of different chemo am now waiting for MRI scan to see if radiotherapy may be the way to proceed with 2nd recurrence. While they keep offering treatment I will keep fighting. Sometimes it takes a few different drugs to get a good outcome, you stay positiive and tell yourself of coarse its going to work again. Love Bridie xx
Hi Amaryr,
As I read your description, I took in a big breath. This is what I had too: High grade, well differentiated edometrioid OC, stage 1C because it ruptured at the operation ( I was told that the tumour was large - about 10cm diameter- and the cut was too small so it ruptured when removed. I keep on asking myself why the cut wasn't made larger, so to spare me stressing over the recurrence issue, anyway at the second operation the cut was much larger then the first.)
High grade says that it grows fast, and indeed it developed from nothing to 10 cm diameter in 7 months(documented with tests). But after the operation the consultant said that I can take my time before I come back for the debulking (which means that the other ovary and uterus has to come out) coz is growing slowly. So apparantly the consultant reckons that the high grade is no longer relevant after the tumour is out.
Some other explanation on this high grade I received was that it was high grade because I got the ovarian cancer relatively young at 43. Would i have got it when older it wouldn't be high grade. Don't know what to make of this information though.
Soon I will have 3 years from diagnosis. No recurrence yet, but some heartburn like symtoms that could be, but not comfirmed yet. Hopefuly not. I did lots of things to keep cancer at bay.