Anybody experienced side affects from Avastin? - My Ovacome

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Anybody experienced side affects from Avastin?

Poppy2212 profile image
16 Replies
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Poppy2212 profile image
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16 Replies
TrishLey profile image

Nothing too bad so far after 10 months treatment with it. Sore feet seems to be the height of it. However others have had headaches, high blood pressure sore bones but as you are monitored closely they can be dealt with. - Trish

Poppy2212 profile image
Poppy2212 in reply to TrishLey

I have been on it for a year and just had my last one but have some aches and pains in feet, wrist and shoulder and wondered if anyone else had experienced it.

TrishLey profile image

Defo on the feet, wrists and shoulder. Stomach occasionally and indegestion sometimes. Nothing unmanageable though.

Whippit profile image

I've just had my fifth cycle of Avastin along with Gemcitibane and Carbo-Platin. I'm tired but expected that from the chemo. Apart from that no worrying side-effects so far. xxx

Poppy2212 profile image
Poppy2212 in reply to Whippit

Is this second line treatment? Sorry if I've got that wrong, I'm new to all this. Hope all goes well.

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Poppy2212

Hi Poppy, I think someone has summarised it here. Avastin is available I think for about 10 months after first line, and indefinitely after 2nd line until the patient has a poor reaction to it. I'm on second line so hopefully can continue Avastin for a long time.

Keep posting and asking! xxx love Annie

Poppy2212 profile image

I had my last cycle of chemo last yr, the first 2/3 of Avastin were in combination with chemo, then had a yr of Avastin on its own. Towards the end I have felt more discomfort but hoping it will just wear off. No idea what causes it. Just been for a scan but last couple 6weekly blood tests showed that my ca125 markers were up a bit so a worried. The doctor said to try not to worry as it can be caused by different things and may go down again. Anyway will get results on Friday. Hoping it's not come back but feel better after reading some of the comments on this website - uplifting. This is the first time I have gone outside my family to talk about this stuff.

Solange profile image
Solange in reply to Poppy2212

Good Luck with your scan result, Poppy. It's a horrible time - waiting, isn't it?

Keep in touch with us and let us know how you go, won't you?

Love, Solange

nork2 profile image

I had 6 months of Avastin and suffered with very achy and stiff shoulders, collarbone and neck. Has completely gone now I've come off it.

All best wishes, Lynne xx

Poppy2212 profile image

Thanks for letting me know :-)

Cinderella profile image

I had Avastin for one year after completing my chemo in October 2012 and the side effects I experienced were aching joints especially in the knees and ankles. I also had a runny nose with bleeding however this was not bad and it was usually first thing in the morning. My blood pressure had gone up just after my debulking surgery and this was controlled with tablets and did not go up any more while I was on Avastin. I did make sure though that I tried to exercise and eat healthily to avoid putting on weight since that can increase blood pressure. I went back to work part time while I was on Avastin too and I managed to commute on the tube and work.

I have been off Avastin now for 4 months and I have been feeling very well since January. The aches and pains are much better and I do not have to take paracetamol every day which I had done for almost 6-8 months while I was on Avastin.

I am really glad that I persevered with the treatment despite the side effects and also the trips to the hospital every 3 weeks because I had my first check up last week after stopping treatment and everything is fine and my CA125 is down to 10. I am therefore feeling very good and looking forward to enjoying each day.

Poppy2212 profile image
Poppy2212 in reply to Cinderella

That's great news!

Alice23 profile image

Hi Poppy

My side effects were runny nose so I always carried a wad of tissues and nose bleeds but like Cinderella only in the morning. Scabs in nose alleviated by a good oil like bio oil or lanolin based cream and this prevented bleeding. Aching ankles and knees which are still with me two months down the road but not sure if these are caused by the other drugs as well - Carboplatin and plaxitaxol.

Poppy2212 profile image
Poppy2212 in reply to Alice23

It's so difficult isn't it to know what's causing all of these aches and pains. Hope it improves soon.7

ScardyCat40 profile image

Yes high blood pressure and proteinurea as well as a congested nose and headaches

daisies profile image

Hi. Can't figure out how I did not get this blog, about side effects of Avastin. I am on the drug now for 15 months, and while high B/P and pain is an issue - drugs and pain killers have resolved those problems. I have joint pains and only very recently had acupuncture and it has made a huge difference - so much so, that I think I will be able to reduce the number of painkillers. There is one benefit of being on Avastin - it is that, I am regularly monitored in the dayward (on infusion day), and also by my GP - so am probably healthier now that even I was.

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