Well its been a fantastic weekend so far here in Liverpool.
Yesterday I was honoured to Chair the morning session of the Advocates meeting, followed by leading the Marketplace session on involving patients in improving standards of care.
Tomorrow I will become the first patient to address the congress when I report on the European Network of Gynae oncology Advocates Group (ENGAGe). There are several thousand people here so its a bit scary, but knowing that I have a job to do for you all gives me a great deal of confidence.
But the big news is that the overall survival data for ICON7 has just been presented.
As I'm sure you know, there is evidence that Avastin prolongs remission when given both in first line treatment and in relaps, however todays data looks at the overall survival. In the ICON7 study women in the high risk group, that is to say women with Stage 4 and women with stage 3 who had more than 1 cm of cancer left behind after their surgery who received Avastin had an overall survival improvement of 9.4 months compared to the same group of women who did not receive the drug. Obviously this is fantastic news for those who have had the drug and who can access it, and more leverage for us to campaign for its availability in the devolved nations. I am speaking with some clinicians throughout the day and will be investigating the impact that they feel this will have.
A good start to the day!
L x