is there a section about the Echo Lights explaining?
or could someone just mention what that helps.
is there a section about the Echo Lights explaining?
or could someone just mention what that helps.
EchoLight is the name of a company that distributes REMS machines in the US. The REMS machine is an alternative (often believed to be a better one) to a DEXA scan. It uses ultra sound to determine bone density and strength whereas a DEXA scan can only determine bone density. The margin of error for REMS is smaller than for a DEXA scan and a DEXA scan involves radiation.
Most insurance companies won’t pay for a DEXA scan but once every two years for the cost. I will be paying $250 for a REMS test which insurance covers but if it didn’t I would pay out of pocket as I see it as a better indicator of density and bone strength with a smaller margin or error and no radiation exposure so by far a better test with less risk to the body.
Unfortunately Medicare does not cover a REMS scan.
I called the REMS location in AZ and they said they take the Medicare Advantage plan. However, they require payment upfront. Then file a claim with the insurance and when they get it they said they would reimburse that amount. The test is today so it will probably take a few weeks for all that to process. We’ll see if I was correctly informed. I just won’t know for awhile.
There is a great video by Dr. Susan Brown of Better Bones where she brings 2 US doctors with expertise with REMS where they explain how the test works - it is well worth watching and you can also find a list of REMS locations online - for the US and I found one here in Canada nearby by just googling REMS tests for osteoporosis near Toronto. Hope this helps