Where can I get the rems echolight scan in California?
Rems echo light : Where can I get the... - Osteoporosis Support
Rems echo light

There's a "Contact Us" form at the bottom of this page. If you send them a message, they should be able to tell you if they have any providers in California: echolightmedical.com/
If you locate echolight in California please let me know, I have been looking too.
There aren't any REMS locations in California. Trust me I've reached out and researched. Indeed the closest one to CA is in College Station, TX. AND not only do they insist on you seeing the doctor first for a charge, they will NOT allow you to do the US scan that same day. They make you fly back like 2 - 3 weeks later (unless of course you want to hang around College Station for all that time). And then after the scan you see the doctor for a second time. When you add up their fees (I think the scan alone is $500 and I'm guessing the doctor will charge at least $200 for each visit) and the airplane tickets, you are looking at over $1500 is my best guess. Yes, I was very salty when they told me all of this. The rep on the phone was curt. Clearly they are not interested in people coming to their facility from out of state is my guess. The other places are all on the East Coast (NC, NJ and Maryland). That's it so far in the US. So, check out Canada. They have several with the closest one in Calgary (that's where I'm going to go), a couple in Manitoba I think and 2 in Toronto. The one in Calgary doesn't provide doctor review. They just do the scan and provide you with your results. Cost is $150 CAN so around $110 US.
Thank you for responding in such detail. That is very helpful for us Californians!! Maybe we can try to get the word out to facilities near us. I wouldn't know how to do that.
I think the problem is this - despite Dexa scans being the "gold standard" of testing for OP, studies have proven countless times that there are deficiencies including inaccuracies for very short and tall women, most don't do bone quality, techs are not trained in proper positioning which is exacting, etc. However, that is what doctors here have "known" for 30 years and aren't interested in learning of new technologies that might be better, safer, etc. And I'm guessing it is a pretty expensive machine so from a cost benefit analysis, the only places that might be willing to spend the money are imaging clinics but they won't do that until insurance companies agree to cover the costs of the test which so far I don't think any have despite REMS being FDA approved. It all boils down to the fact that it's a beneficial test for WOMEN which is ignored by the medical establishment. 😞
I contacted the Italian company that makes/markets The REMS or Echolight last summer and being in Texas they suggested College Station, Texas. Not wanting to drive 3 hours in the very hottest part of the year, I dragged my feet and waited a few months before contacting the doctors group. Apparently, until just a few weeks before my call they were allowing people to come just for the scan for a very reasonable out of pocket payment. My guess is that it was too difficult to manage that, even though it would’ve helped many of us. I too, was told of the many appointments that would be required, So, it’s not anything to do with being from out of state. My guess is that they cannot manage the workload of having untold numbers of women who only want a scan or they saw an opportunity for a lot more income from all the added doctor visits.
I’m trying to be patient until this technology spreads across the United States, because I don’t trust DEXA’s results in my particular case.
I am sorry to hear about the change in procedure at College Station!! I am 67, diagnosed with initial osteoporosis/penia from WA State & was visiting my daughter in Dallas last year. I had called College station and they did give my daughter and I appointments without a referral or requirement to see their Dr first. It was $200 out of pocket & a PA went over the report with me. FYI- it did provide a better report of my bone quality, as DEXA only provides the density status and not the strength of the bone. So, I believe it is worth pursuing, particularly if you have small bones, are thin or do weight bearing exercises along with a healthy diet. It definitely encouraged me to not feel too obligated to start taking a Bisphosphonate!! If there is a co diagnosis of celiac, hyperthyroidism, Lupus, etc, I am not sure an Echolight scan would be as helpful!? Hope you can find an office to provide an Echolight scan!
Hi thanks for the info. I am wondering why you don't think the echolight would be as helpful if there is a diagnosis of celiac ect... I have a thyroid auto-immune disease. I wonder if that would effect the results.
What about the dexa TBS scan?
I am going to do Echolight REMS in North Carolina tomorrow in Black Mountain. If anyone has gone to that or the Asheville location please let me know.
Hi all, if anyone is looking,
New Rems Echolight site in Scottsdale, Arizona
URPrecious 3D Breast Ultrasound
9300 E Raintree dr, suite 130,
Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
Phone 602 878 7501
Meghna Krishnan, MD
Board certified diagnostic radiologist,
URPrecious 3D Breast Ultrasound,
9300 E Raintree dr, suite 130
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 602-878-7501
Fax: 480-685-9920
Email: admin@3dbreastultrasound.com
Website: 3dbreastultrasound.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/meghnakrish...