I had two sacral insufficiency fractures which led to a DEXA and DX of severe osteoporosis especially in my lumbar spine. I haven't had any falls and am not a fall risk. Looking for answers (non-medication if possible), and hope to find where I can have a REMS for a more accurate picture of my lumbar spine bone health.
REMS location in California? - Osteoporosis Support
REMS location in California?

I don't know about Rems in Calif. but found this Echolight / Rems manufacturer office in NY, maybe they can tell who has purchased and where they are located.
Seems like most are east of Calif. Since it is fairly new to the U.S., I don't think they are widely available everywhere.
Contact us here for activities in North America:
509 Madison Ave RM 1510
New York, New York 10022, USA
+1 425 658 060
About Echolight
I am in the LA area and still have not been able to get my REMS here, I have to do mine in Dallas it’s the closest I have found but worth the trip when we are there.
You can find all sorts of information on Dr Doug Lucas You Tube channel, he is very informative
This practice is listed on the Juvent echolight manufacturer website. You can google it to find the contact info.
Anatara Medicine; San Francisco, CA ( Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz)
I'm not sure if flying to the Wosler Diagnostic Clinic in Calgary Alberta Canada would be cheaper for your than flying to Eastern States. Wosler Clinic REMS Echolight costs $150.00 CA. I flew from Vancouver, BC which was well worth it.
Osteostrong in Bend, Oregon has one, according to the list I got from Echolight
I had three incidents of spinal fractures. Multiple fractures each time. Please see a specialists. After first incidence and no falls dx with severe osteoporosis. Now I am the old lady hunched over.
Changed my life re mobility or lack of. It’s been three years of this. Over year of drugs it stopped fractures but I’m crippled. Use a walker extremely limited activities. Did not know osteoporosis can be this evil. Fractures would occur just normal activities. I would know due to severe pain. Then MRI would show. Just wanted to share how bad osteoporosis can get. Hate side effects of drugs but be cautious. If I knew all this I would have gladly taken any drugs. Best to you. Don’t want anyone else to have their life changed when it’s avoidable.