What yoga exercises are safe to do for someone with osteoporosis? Is the forward fold really not safe?! Is downward dog okay to do? These positions make up much of my yoga practice. I’ve been doing yoga off and on all of my life. Help!
Safe Exercise : What yoga exercises are... - Osteoporosis Support
Safe Exercise

As far as I know one has to treat the spine very carefully. I can't remember all of what I learned at an osteoporosis clinic I attended back in 2016, but there was something about avoiding bending to lift things. We were told to put shopping bags on a table to unpack, for example, so we weren't bending forward to unpack, and lift objects. We were taught a way to crouch which didn;t stress the knees and helped prevent that forward bend. (You make as though to sit down and lower that way. I use this motion to feed my cat, for example.) Also there was some warning about twisting the back, and indeed my physiotherapist has given me an exercise which involves twisting (not bending) from side to side, but I'm lying on the floor when I do it. Compression fractures seem to make the body bow forward, so I imagine that is why we are taught not to stress the vertebrae in that direction.
This looks helpful:
Also these pages:
Have a look at Margaret Martin’s MelioGuide website - she has YouTube videos and a book about how to practice safe yoga or find someone experienced in working with people with osteoporosis either to take regular classes or to get yourself started
It's important to work with a teacher (or PT) who knows about osteoporosis.
The UFF (unsupported forward fold) can be dangerous.
Question: Can you do your forward fold and your downward dog with the flat back rather than rounding into the pose? If not.....
* In 1984 M. Sinkai at Mayo Clinic did a study comparing vertebral frx in flexion and extension exercises. The fracture rate was incredibly high in flexion. (appihealthgroup.com/wp-cont...
* Look at Too Fit to Fracture to find the most current set of caveats.
* Sherri Betz has some really good handouts on safety in yoga and pilates.
I'm running off to a meeting. I may flesh out the references later.
the link to info about fracture rate high in flexion isn’t working for me
Try this: therapilates.com/PDF/sinaki...
I, too, have practiced yoga for a long time and continue to do so. There are so many benefits: strength, flexibility and balance. Since my diagnosis of osteoporosis I am extra careful to bend “from the hip” when doing forward folds & keeping a slight bend in my knees. There are some poses I no longer do, like plow or shoulder stand. With twists I do them slowly and not to an extreme. Here’s an article that I found helpful. It was interesting to me how the author points out that even when sitting, like at our computers, we need to maintain good posture. So we need to be mindful of our spine in daily activities, too. gaia.com/article/dangers-lu...
someone on this site suggested YouTube videos for safe yoga with osteoporosis. I wish I knew who to do yoga with on YouTube. I go to the gym every day for 45 minutes and it’s really helped my mental health and physical health. Even though osteoporosis is very scary and really concerns me- it’s completely redirected my life. Now I focus on the gym and trying to socialize with positive people and people who do physical exercise and physical activities together like yard work .
I like Yoga with Adriene on You Tube but I’m modifying the movements especially the standing forward fold and downward dog. I bend from the waist now and try not to round my back at all. It’s hard. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis a year ago and now see changes in my neck. I had one Reclast infusion but have to go off it now.
may I ask why you have to go off of Reclast
Some people say bend at the waist some people say bend at the hips - is that the same thing?
You want to keep a long straight spine. If you’re bending from the waist your spine is curved (like slouching when sitting). To bend from the hip imagine there is a flat board on your back that is keeping your back straight as you bend forward (like good posture when sitting). You can also picture your heart aiming forward (not your head curling into the forward fold).
Downward dog and other forward bends can be done if you perform them correctly which is bending from the waist, with your back straight and not humped. You can see them done correctly on Margaret Melio website. I went through physical therapy for my osteoporosis and the therapist used Melio's program. I was avoiding forward bends but the therapist showed me how to do so and part of my therapy program includes them. I also follow other osteoporosis work out tapes that include them as well. That said, everyone should discuss such matters with an exercise specialist based on what they are able to do based on their own body and physical limitations.
I do Loren Fishman's yoga poses daily, with following exceptions: 5, 10, 11 (no twisting)
Thank you Mahler02!
I have not posted in a while. I wanted to share an exercise routine that I have found to be very helpful to me. I can’t say that it has increased my bone mass, but I do feel great, much stronger, and my balance has improved dramatically. It’s called senior shape with Lauren and you will find it on YouTube. She has many videos posted there and they are all great. Hope that it helps some of you like it has helped me.
Thank you for sharing 😀