I watched some of Dr. Lucas's YouTube videos today as recommended in another post. Apparently his clinic does virtual consultations. I'm looking for someone to work with on a natural approach for bone health. Has anyone worked with him (or any other online medical professional)? I ask because, in my area, I know of no osteoporosis clinics that focus on natural approaches, which means I'm on my own. I really want to have a health professional guide me through the testing process.
Has anyone consulted with Dr. Doug Lu... - Osteoporosis Support
Has anyone consulted with Dr. Doug Lucas's clinic?

I haven't heard of this man before - I will investigate! I am interested in a natural approach as I really don't want to take bisphosphonates. I am in Ireland (much less likely to find a natural clinic here!), I'm 66, female and have Osteoporosis in both thoracic spine and hip. If you find out more, I'd love to hear from you!
I am getting ready to join his practice once I get the financials in order. I like the fact that he is a doctor, has Registered Dietitians with functional medicine backgrounds that coach you as often as you'you'd like, that he focuses on bone health, that his program is personalized and that it lasts a full year (as opposed to something like Bonecoach who, while having more bells and whistles, for the same amount of money lasts only 6 months, doesn't include the labs, and really leaves it up to you, with the assistance of some webinar guidance, to develop your own plan). I don't personally know anyone who has been on his program, but there's no one in my area that meets the same qualifications, so I guess I am taking a bit of a chance.
Hope that helps.
Hi, just starting my journey,still in shock over my diagnosis. Have found Dr. Lucas videos and book very helpful. Would love to get your feedback re working with him, as I am considering it. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist in my area July 25, I don’t think I can wait that long. Thanks for your input.
My Wife has been with Dr. Lucas since October. I can tell you HE AND HIS WHOLE TEAM ARE AWESOME!!!! If you can swing it I highly recommend him!
How much does his program cost?
I just read that the one one year program can cost upwards of $10,000 US. A bit steep in my view. I also have not been able to confirm that amount with a second source.

I follow him from UK, from his email last month the Full Monty costs $12500 . I could not afford him. All investigations would have to go through in UK so probably looking for at least another £6000 on top. Just cortisol private test approx 150 to 190, add hormons and ctx p1np every 3 months... scary. Cannot even get ctx or p1np once a year more like onc every 2 years with some begging from the endo in Oxford.
I have followed Dr. Lucas since I joined Osteostrong several years ago. At that time his program was $10K. Now I believe it is ~ $13K. Yesterday I did a call with a member of his team. After participating in the call I am less inclined to do the program and am very suspect. I asked basic questions that he avoided and talked in circles. I even called him out on it. Before I spend that amt of money for a virtual 1-year program, I would like to know how many patients has Dr L treated. What is his success rate? I am genetically prone to osteoporosis, petite, slight build and frame. Have they treated anyone similar? What was outcome? What happens year 2? Is there a discounted rate? He said yes but was very elusive And would not give amount. How long do patients typically stay on program? He did say 2 years. I said I was not interested in Rx. He really prodded me on why I wouldn’t consider Rx which really surprised me. He acted shocked I could not find a dr in Atlanta that would run these labs. Every dr I have seen is wanting to put me on Rx with no more than a Dexa scan to go by. I inquired about REMs and I just had one done that did not align with my 2 Dexa scans. He said Dr L really doesn’t use REMs. ??? Not what his video says. So I am feeling a bit set back. I will probably get another Dexa scan in the next year, and REMs from another provider, and continue weight bearing training and the supplements I take. I am looking for a functional health dr in the Atlanta area.
who said Dr Lucas does not use REM's? wanting to make sure they are qualified to state this as the video states what you noticed. I cant seem to find any info on patient satisfaction and am concerned that alllll of this is virtual, especially for price point. I wonder if they give charting information, and all test info so that one can file on insurance?
I had a call with Brady Box. He works for Dr. Lucas. He was terrible. I keep meaning to followup and send an email to Dr. Lucas about my call. I have listened to all Dr. Lucas’s webinars and really this guy was totally bizarre and not what I expected. Definitely warrants more investigation. Brady Box is on the Patient Support Team.
At $12,799/year?