have any of you tried Shelly Manning’s “The Bone Density Solution?” I happened to come across this online but don’t see any reviews. Appears to be an e-book
The Bone Density Solution: have any of... - Osteoporosis Support
The Bone Density Solution
I hadn't heard of it, but have googled it and see that it's VERY expensive! The resume sounds like it may well have lots of practical advice in it, but you can get this free from somewhere like the BHOF (formerly the NOF) in the US (bonehealthandosteoporosis.o... and the ROS in the UK (theros.org.uk/), as well as Facebook groups like Osteoporosis UK - Friendly Support & Natural Options (open to people around the world) and the Save Institute (you have to pay for additional membership benefits but there's a wealth of free resources available to anyone).
I used to be a university research librarian. So here are some tips I use when doing a first pass thru a website or any "offer" (not in any order)
* What are the credentials of the person making the offer? And can I find them easily on the website? (Having a medical condition is not a credential for treating the condition.) Do I have to use other sources to find the info?
*Has the presenter implied that there are credentials are more applicable than they really are? (Someone claiming to be a Dr. who has a PhD in French literature is misleading. (Dr. Sebastian Gorka, with a PhD in political science, was pushing supplements.)
*Is there solid research backing the claims? The gold standard is double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. That really hard (and expensive) to achieve. But have they at least added some recognizable scientific structure? (Note: nutrition and/or exercise trials are difficult becasue it's difficult to get good adherence to the research protocols by the research subjects.)
*Is the site an information site or a sales site? Information sites have several (or many) short pages providing easy access and navigation. Sales sites have a few (or only one) long page with numerous "opportunties" to buy the product.
*Is there a lot of urgency? Buy now. Special offer. Limited time, Special discount. While supply lasts.
*Is the price reasonable, especially when compared known alternatives.? Paying $149 (or even the discounted $49) for an e-Book seems excessive, even if well researched. By comparison, that figure is about what you might pay for the e-Book of a university anatomy textbook.
After I've done my initial evaluation on these factors, then I may dig a bit deeper. But often this list is enough to tell me, I don't need to know more.
there an ingesting interview by Dr Mercola, regarding OXALATES in superfoods depleting calcium from the bones, calcifying connective tissue instead, strongly recommended, share is possible bitchute.com/video/RGrVE03B...