Recently diagnosed, going on Alendron... - Osteoporosis Support

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Recently diagnosed, going on Alendronate (Fosamax) for 1 year...

5 Replies

Recently diagnosed, going on Alendronate (Fosamax) for 1 year along with the recommended supplementation, weight bearing exercises and not smoking. Doctor states my scores are low/borderline and that if he can push my scores back now his goal is NOT to have to take meds after a year that I will keep progress made with diet and exercise. If I do not progress, he will then bring an Endocrinologist into the picture.

He is afraid that because I have walked miles for years and lift heavy boxes for work last 15 years and eat well that exercise and diet will not get me out of the woods. However, meds 1 year along with modified diet and exercise has very good chance of it.

I will be using this site to learn about VI plates, weight bearing exercises and much more and want to thank everyone for your contributions.

I will post anything I learn I don't see on this site and well as update my progress next year after a new DEXA.

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5 Replies
dmm23 profile image

I wish you well. This is a helpful thread to follow. I was diagnosed 5 weeks ago after a fragility fracture. I was quite overwhelmed and went through many scary thoughts. Being on crutches for 5 weeks did not help matters, as if was a constant reminder as to the seriousness if this disease. I am so activ w/ hiking, biking, living!! I run my own dog training/sitting business and had to scramble to cover myself w/ hiring a helper to walk 5 dogs. It was a nightmare. So, I am focused on doing all the right things to never be in that mind space again. I too am prescribed Fosamax for 1 yr. then another scan. From there, we’ll see. In a perfect world, I would hope that I would not have to stay on medication, but realistically, I am prepared to stay on medication if necessary. As long as I can continue doing all the things I love to do. I am 62 years old, and at 60, I was still osteopenia. But medication was not suggested, because I still had all the healthy aspects on the flipside. Like you, I did weight-bearing, I hiked every day, I had a very good diet. I believe my progression of goin in to osteoporosis was hormonal. It is indicated that 8 to 10 years post menopause, is when osteoporosis can really kick in. I had never been on HRT, because it wasn’t necessary. I only wish the doctors would’ve helped me become more proactive with the hormonal aspect. I’m not quite sure I would have specifically went on anything synthetic. But I believe I would’ve at least upped my estrogen with bioidentical cream or Phytoestrogen diet.But now, it’s just about moving forward. So, I know where you are with getting that initial diagnosis. It isn’t fun, and it is a bit scary, but just know if you’re doing all the right things, that’s what it’s all about. Good luck!

in reply to dmm23

Thank you, dmm23.

I am sorry that you are in this nightmare as well. Yes, my Dr. feels mine is strictly due to early onset menopause. Imagine now, if we were not as active etc... as we were all this time? Humm... makes you take pause.

My doctor is also very disturbed I was not considered better after my menopause now 15 years ago. Why? Me, like you and so many millions totally fell through the cracks it seems. Sadly, only to be helped when it is time for big pharma to play a role (humm).

I heard all the background noise about this disease and how to stay healthy, I knew I would age somewhat faster due to early onset menopause. But I really felt I lived very active and healthy lifestyle and had in my mind "not me, someone else" But, it is me. and it is you. Brought me down a few pegs that is for sure.

We have now though. From this point on it is about us at the very least pushing it back some for as long as can.

Although we are active, we just need to do it differently now.

No touching toes, no twisting etc.. Weighted vests, carrying and wearing weights when walking. Strength and balance training. Just know your limitations and load bearing weight to always be safe.

You have an injury, while you must heal you still need to remain active to what works for you now. Do your arms etc... Keep moving. DO NOT STOP MOVING. but move always with our new disease in mind.

Keep me posted on how you progress, okay?

dmm23 profile image
dmm23 in reply to

Thank you.., you as well. 🙏🏻

Muscle7 profile image

You girls are awesome! I’m 53 and was diagnosed with osteoporosis last summer. 3 1/2 years post menopause, very active, fit, healthy eater, and depressed and shocked as well to get diagnosis. My mom has it too and is almost 80. Never took drugs, but I’m leaning towards a year or 2 of maybe reclast infusion. Have you heard anything about that?

Hi Muscle7,

I don't know anything about reclast as I will be taking Fosamax for 12 months. My Dr thinks my numbers are low enough it could put me back into osteopenia and managed at least for a bit with diet and exercise.

I do know some medications that you have to go onto a Bisphosphonate when treatment completes, so you will want to look into that.

Good luck and keep us posted!

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