Hi I'm new to this group. My Ortho has recommended that I start taking one of the osteoporosis drugs like Fosamex. I've read that most of them while they DO build bone, it's false bone. Why would I want to take something that sets me up for more broken bones??
Osteoporosis Meds: Hi I'm new to this... - Osteoporosis Support
Osteoporosis Meds

Hi Pipersmom: I agree with you. I have many of the same thoughts about the bisphosphamates like Fosamax. Reading your post reminded me to take the Vitamin K and calcium/magnesium minerals. We are so different each of us and I feel since I have a vertebrae compression fracture, that those are the ones I want to preserve the most (since I walk a lot I think my leg bones might be okay longer). I've been taking Evista recently (though my doctor told me it's not as good as Fosamax, and it can cause DVT - deep venous thrombosis so that is something to look at). Maybe a truly better osteoporosis pill will come along later. Best wishes, Yvette
My Dr said we can’t be on the medicine for extended periods- beyond 2-3 yrs - I have severe osteoporosis in my spine: 3.8. She said with weight bearing exercise, continuing my yoga and walking- and the shot I will get( don’t remember the drugs name) I should be able to build bone density to bring all my numbers up- she wasn’t too concerned. I had cancer and the anti estrogen pill causes loss of bone density. For me, it’s the new way of doing life from now on! I’ve always hated medication and have chosen to go natural- I’m learning to trust my drs...and celebrate my new way of doing life...(or trying to!)
Hi PipersMom, After my diagnosis I started researching treatment options, I read about the prescription drugs used to treat osteoporosis and learned they really don't solve any problems particularly long term. From another forum, I discovered Dr. Keith McCormick and his book: shop.osteonaturals.com/prod...
His book is easy to read and makes so much sense. He is available for phone consults as well. Good luck and please know you have many treatment options available.
Fosamex is a bisphosphonate, and the primary goal is to inhibit osteoclastic activity. I think this means that its first goal is to reduce bone reabsorption. So this gives osteoblasts time to build up bone.
Not certain it builds bone; think rather that it has your bones hang onto the bone matter it normally sluffs off because your brain is not sending the signal for the new bone matter to be produced. It's holding onto the old bone, while one's brain catches up with stimulating the hormones to produce new bone matter. That can cause brittle or fractured bones down the road. I may be incorrect or too simplistic in my explanation. But basically, that is what my rheumatologist at the medical school explained to me. That's why he put me on Forteo. The rheumatologists appear to be the bone experts when it comes to osteoporosis.
Hi HearYou, What did the doc have in mind for you after Forteo as you can only take it for two years? I thought Forteo sounded like a better approach too but you have to get back on a bisohosphonate, or prolia and prolia seems to have acquired a bad reputation among many here. Thanks for any insights.
Reclast infusion once a year for awhile. Had my first a few weeks ago. Then maybe something else in several years. I am confident at this point, I made the best decisions for my situation and would do it again
The Forteo created that 12% increase in bone density; Reclast will maintain it. (Reclast only creates about 2-3% increase in bone density) I trust my rheumatologist who is a teaching professor at the medical school. Has been recommending strongly Forteo if one has only had one or two fractures. It won't heal fractures, but slowly seeks out where bone density increase is needed. He was spot on.
He has practiced over 15 years. He does not recommend Prolia as med of first choice; but my younger sister's gyn is using it for her....lives 900 miles away and has large medical school there too, but is not able to use it as she can't arrange anappointment....so I'll just stay in my lane...may be a reason for Prolia for her.
Have a request for you. This American Bone site appears rather new......and I have read and posted on another site that I think has mosrtly British women discussing. May be called Bone Health and or Osteoporosis and I believe the sites are either merging or criss crossing at times. I posted a detailed long explaination of my success with Forteo, how it works and that I was finshed with my regiment on it with an remarkable 12% bone density increase. Think I posted it before this venue was up and running or maybe just not showing up on my computer.
I am receiving very basic inquiries about Forteo now, sometimes on one of the Bristish venues as if they have never read the American Bone, but say they never saw the LOOOONNNNGGGG post I placed on those two venues. It was rather just blown off and the discussions about how horrible every med is continued.
Tonight I received a question about why did I bither with Forteo first if I was going to have to take Reclast after about two years. Think she must live in the US, or she would have seen all the info I placed on the Bone venue and Osteoporosis venue. But she is not on this venue.
Would you, if you have time, try tot find Bone Health venue and a different Osteoporosis venue?
I am thinking some of my replies from one venue is being sent to another one. As well as one person who wanted me to explain Forteo as a private message .....didn't want her family butting in. I found her PM block and have sent her 4 short PMs asking how she was doing. What did she want first. No PM answers. But found her still on Osteoporous, I think, with her request of "Forteo RX", meaning she had decided to take her doctor's recommendation.
But sometimes I simply can't tell where a recent reply is orinignating, and I had not asked the question in over a year. This venue knows another osteoporosis venue and bone venue exist, but haven't addressed this Alice in Wonderland expierience.
Take care. Take some deep breathes. The right decision will come to you in good time. xoxo