I don't feel well enough to do anything. That pain in my guts and in my esophagus is so dumb. Having acids all the time especially after laying down and after sleeping. Some diarrhea and gasses but sometimes it just hurts and nothing comes out. I need to get it checked when i come back home. But doc will most likely say it's stress. Well, how to not be stressed when i live either with the landlord or mom and there are constantly things like dad leaving. Plus one month no period and there's zero chance to be pregnant because I haven't been with anyone. Maybe it's the mental health meds im on
My internal organs are on a strike and... - Acid Reflux Support
My internal organs are on a strike and i think it's all connected
You really do need to get checked by the doctor. They should do a gastroscopy to have a look at your stomach and oesophagus to see what’s going on. They can take biopsies. They can also test you for H Pylori which is a bacteria that causes those symptoms which is just treated with a two week antibiotic course
I’m so sorry that you’re going through such a hard time. Please believe me as someone who is much older than you, that life won’t always be this tough. So hard when you’re young without your parents support. Is there anyone else in your life that you could lean on like an aunt? If not there are plenty of free helplines where someone will be able to listen and offer support. I’m assuming you aren’t here in Australia as insurance just isn’t important here. Try to look ahead rather than back. You WILL get through this tough time. Sending hugs xx