I’m not sure if it was that or something else…ate kind of a bigger dinner with acidity foods because sometimes you just have to make the mistake and say to yourself man I shouldn’t of done that. But anyway has anyone ever experienced it where you feel like your whole throat goes tight you can’t breath or talk for a couple second? Like it’s happened to me before I’ve been driving talking standing sitting getting a shower and all of a sudden bam it’s like my throat just clenches and I can’t breath or talk for a couple seconds
laryngospasm?: I’m not sure if it was... - Acid Reflux Support
Hi, sorry to hear about your problem. It happens to me sometimes. I think it is generally anxiety that causes it. You could also look into possible Globus sensation, which can cause a feeling of a tight throat. If you get stressed, your throat muscles tend to tighten up even though you may not be aware of it. I was told to try yawning and to try and drop my shoulders to help relax the muscles.
You should check with your doctor if this could be silent reflux - different to acid reflux. I have similar symptoms. Ive only just joined here so not sure what is discussed, but silent reflux is different to acid reflux as the stomach contents dont only breach the lower oesophageal valve, but leak out of the upper oesophageal valve too and can wreak havoc in your throat.
The symptoms you are experiencing are typical of silent (or laryngeal pharyngeal reflux) but as Im not medical I can only go by what Ive read and experienced personally. An ENT referral might be a useful thing to ask to be referred to so your throat and vocal chords can be properly looked at. Good luck.