I've been taking omeprazole for over 20 yrs. I have a hiatus hernia. Trying to get off them causes much discomfort and I end up back on them very.
Has anyone managed to get off PPI's?
I've been taking omeprazole for over 20 yrs. I have a hiatus hernia. Trying to get off them causes much discomfort and I end up back on them very.
Has anyone managed to get off PPI's?
Hi Edith20 , ahh yes I have. I have sliding HH and been taking them for about 3 years. It’s a yo-yo, 20mg then reduced to 10 then back up, back down and then cane off. I found that when my stress levels better and I’d changed my diet it helped do cane off them. I lasted about a month then started with niggling griping in upper abdomen. Then more stress and so back up to 20 at moment. I came off them because I probably have to have meds for rheumatoid arthritis so want to limit what I take but I have to wait and see. I think I would slowly reduce than go cold turkey, chat to your GP tho. Is there any reason why you wanted to come off after a long time? Stay safe and well - all hard going isn’t it ☹️