My 6 year old son has never been a big eater and we were reassured by a health visitor that he wil grow out of this but things are getting worse.
He has a very limited diet:
Breakfast - frosted flakes or toast with chocolate spread
Lunch - ham or cheese sandwich only on white bread
Dinner - pasta with cheese, cheese pizza or hotdog
Fruit - green grapes, occasionally strawberries or banana
Vegetables - cucumber
Snacks - pom bears or cheese and onion crisps.
Drinks - water, milk and squash
He refuses to try different things, he looks at a dish and says he doesn't like it and that's it. This is the same when eating out a nice restaurant or fast food doesn't make any difference.
He'd rather go to bed hungry than eat his dinner. We tried school meals, hoping that as he sees his peers enjoying their food he'll try it but it got to a point when his teacher raised concern that he eats nothing all day. We had his friends over for playdate and tea but his made zero difference.
We keep the language around food light, we explained how important it is to nourish his body and never pressured him into eating.
I cook from scratch every day and we always sit at the table with no screen time.
It is getting to a point where this affects his digestion, he is the shortest in his class and he goes from suffering with diarrhea to having very hard bowel movement.
I'd be grateful for any advice because I am at my wits end.
Thank you.