Feeling of something stuck in throat ... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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Feeling of something stuck in throat constantly— HELP! Advice needed

Tlynn89 profile image
14 Replies

Has anyone had the feeling of something stuck in their throat? No matter what I do, it won’t go away!!! It has been over a month.

I went to the urgent care in late December and got prescribed 10 day round of antibiotics, steroid and inhaler. They claimed it was probably sinus infection and bronchitis. Another week after, the upper respiratory part lingered, doc said it could be viral.

Here, weeks later I feel like it’s worse. The feeling is such that I can’t take a deep full breath and something is stuck near my trachea. I am on protonix and sleep with two pillows. I had a clear EGD two years ago. Barium swallow a year ago showed some minor mid-level and lower reflux.

HELP!!! What else can I do? Should I urge the specialist for more tests? Different medicine? Do something homeopathic?! I have done nasal spray and inhaler but I feel like this feeling is causing me grief.

What has worked for you? Anyone have anything similar? Thanks in advance!

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Tlynn89 profile image
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14 Replies
pegcburke profile image

Over three years ago I had the same feeling--it felt as though I'd tried to swallow a pill that got stuck in my throat. Not bad enough to do anything about it, but it didn't go away. The long and short of it was that by the time I brought it up to my doctor (about 4 months later) and got referred to a gastroenterologist, who ordered an endoscopy, I had Stage 3 esophageal cancer. It had metastasized into lymph nodes in my stomach area. Luckily I was able to be treated with radiation/chemotherapy and eventually surgery (an esophagectomy).

I would advise you to see a specialist--a gastroenterologist, ASAP.

Tlynn89 profile image
Tlynn89 in reply to pegcburke

Thank you so much for this information and reply. I got an endoscopy done two years ago, all normal. I contacted my Gastroenterologist to see what she recommends.

Do you mind me asking is there a family history? Did they say what exactly might cause this type of cancer? Are you all in the clear? How old were you when diagnosed? I am only 29.

Did all the procedures help and now you are cured?

I do have an aneurysm on my heart pressing on my esophagus and it’s made reflux worse in recent years. I’m wondering if this has caused further issues.

kiddy profile image

Hi there, I would go back for a repeat endoscopy and barium swallow. Also there are other things that can cause that feeling such as thyroid issues which can be detected by a simple blood test.Good Luck


Paulbrighton profile image

My partner had this for some months and he saw a specialist. He said it felt like a hair was stuck in his throat. He hasn’t had cancer or an operation btw. He was told it is silent reflux and was advised take gavisicon advance after meals and before bed. After a few weeks this sorted out his problem. Hope this helps. Paul

Tlynn89 profile image
Tlynn89 in reply to Paulbrighton

This is very helpful! I do notice it is worse with certain foods and better in the morning. I asked my doctor about more testing or switching medicines. Many thanks for your feedback and advice!

Edsa12 profile image
Edsa12 in reply to Paulbrighton

Hi I had same or similar feeling and have been told it’s LPR which was made worse by an infection in throat, larynx, pharynx . I’m on pip’s and Gaviscon advance for next two months until improves.

pegcburke profile image

I sincerely hope that your issue is just something like "silent reflux" instead of my more serious diagnosis. No, there is no history of this type of cancer in my family. It is highly unusual to get diagnosed with esophageal cancer at a young age like yours. Most of us are older--I was 61 when diagnosed. My scans have shown me to be NED so far (No Evidence of Disease) but every 6-month scan brings about anxiety and they do not say we're cured, just that it's in remission, for which we're grateful.

Hammiboy profile image

Ask your doctor to refer you for an endoscope at hospital as I had the same problem as you and asked to bevreferred ...I had the scope and they found an ulcer on my esophagus which was the cause of the swallowing problem they took biopsies and they came back as cancerou....I start chemo this week to try and shrink the tumour then an operation to remove the cancerous section of my esophagus ...so I would certainly ask for the endescope

Tlynn89 profile image

Thanks so much for your advice. I am getting an EGD done then manometry study to test and measure.

Did you have any other symptoms? How long did it last before your scope? Was this your first scope and how old are you? I had a scope done 2 years ago and I’m 29.

Continued prayers for your surgery. Keep your chin up and know you aren’t alone!

Hammiboy profile image

It started with bad reflux and heartburn which my doctor prescribed emoprazole for ....then about a month later I started not being able to swallow right which got worse that's when I went to the doctor again and told them I know something is going on and I wanted it investigated further that's when they referred me for the scope .I only had one scope as they took biopsies when they did the scope ...that's when they found the cancer ....

.I'm 48 years old and have always been fit and healthy and had no problems in the past

I hope you get it sorted asap and hope that its nothing bad

AGood profile image

Hi Tlynn. I had this problem, I felt like I had a boiled sweet stuck in the back of my throat, it was really disconcerting. It turned out that I had so much acid reflux it put my oesophagus into spasm and it was closing up. I’d suffered with it for too long before going and getting it checked and it developed into Barrett’s Oesophagus. I’ve been on ppi’s (lansoprozol) for 15 years now because of it. I started out having annual endoscopy but now I’m every 3 years. My other symptoms include a cough and sometimes wheezing and a tight chest. I’ve also had ibs for as far back as I can remember. Just a point, if I ever have to have antibiotics it seems to make my symptoms much worse and stress definitely does. I hope you find some answers soon, try your hardest not to worry too much. Wishing you well 🌻

Tlynn89 profile image
Tlynn89 in reply to AGood

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and positive thoughts. How long did you wait before being diagnosed? My EGD was clear 2 years ago and barium swallow was mostly normal with some mild reflux a year ago. I am being proactive in getting testing but I am very anxious and it’s making it worse. Do you have any advice for anxiety? I am so nervous that something is terribly wrong and the feeling bothers me all day long, it just makes things worse. How do you cope?

KJRory profile image
KJRory in reply to AGood

Hi, I know it’s been a couple of years but I just wondered how you were managing symptoms? I suffer with bad reflux and even on PPIs I have breakthrough periods where they don’t work and I have to change or try to up my medication. This has been causing my oesophagus spasms to worsen and I have trouble swallowing. I had a barium meal test last year which showed the spasms and an endoscopy a few months back which came back clear. I have been referred to the gastro department again, but it’s really getting me down and the don’t know how to manage it all.

bedlington2011 profile image

See your GP immediately and ask him to refer you to a gastro-intestinal surgeon.

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