Symptoms: Hi everyone, newbie to the... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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GMYog profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone, newbie to the group and would just like to ask a couple of questions please.

I have been backwards and forwards to the Drs and hospital since mid January with palpitations and general chest discomfort. Had three ECGs and chest xray, all clear. Late February I started getting mild indigestion like pains which didn't really bother me. Then I developed pain between my shoulder blades and a feeling like something is stuck in my throat all the time. This feeling has been gradually getting worse to the point where it is constant now and I am going for an endoscopy next Wednesday for suspected upper GI cancer. Does this mean that my palpitations and horrible feelings in my chest back in January were the start of this? I'm aware of all the classic symptoms of GORD and oesophageal cancer but I'm wondering now if anyone else had palpitations and feelings of pressure on the chest before all the other symptoms started? I also have discomfort in my ears now, like when you go through a tunnel on the train. The Dr prescribed Lansoprazole which I took for four days but have now had to stop while I wait for my endoscopy. I'm struggling now with the pain in my chest and throat and relying on co-codamol to get me through the next week. How did you guys manage the pain and discomfort while waiting for your endoscopy? I've cut out all the known trigger foods for stomach acid since Sunday and drink ginger tea in the morning. Nothing seems to help though.

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GMYog profile image
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10 Replies
Tizzie05 profile image

Hi, I have been unable to find any trigger foods, I have symptoms regardless of what I eat, some days are good some are bad. I get frustrated at the lack of knowledge from the medical profession as they don’t really seem to know a great deal apart from prescribing the prazole drugs. Lift the head of your bed by 6 inches that helps. An endoscopy is important to rule out any thing more serious. I have just had a chest x-ray at my request to make sure it’s nothing else before I consider surgery, stretta therapy is something I’m considering, my Dr had never heard of it. Good luck.

GMYog profile image
GMYog in reply to Tizzie05

Thank you for the reply. So frustrating when you're ill and feel you're not getting full support from your doctor. Over the last week I've spent so much time reading up on GORD/GERD and OC and I'd never heard of Stretta therapy. Looks like the results are good though, worth a try before going under the knife.

I'm thinking of buying one of those bed wedges, at the moment I have six pillows that I have placed to make a similar shaped wedge and that helps. You're right about good days and bad days though, a couple of days ago I was in tears with it but yesterday and today (so far) have been bearable. Makes it worse not knowing yet what the problem is. Wednesday can't come soon enough.

Good luck to you too x

luluw profile image


I can't help with the pain. I really hope you get some answers soon. Just a very important tip about the endoscopy-INSIST on the full anaesthetic, not just the throat spray. You've suffered enough!

Lou xxx

GMYog profile image
GMYog in reply to luluw

Yep will do. I'm such a wuss with anything like that so there's no way I'm having it without sedation. 😁

luluw profile image
luluw in reply to GMYog

They will try to persuade you to do without-be strong and good luck!

GMYog profile image
GMYog in reply to luluw

Really? OK thank you for the warning. Theres no way I'm having it without.

GMYog profile image

Just wanted to post an update to this post. I had my endoscopy yesterday and they found nothing. Good news of course, but it does mean I'm back to square one with my symptoms. Have a heart scan booked for 3rd May so that's the next step.

I also wanted to say to anyone else who is going for their first endoscopy and is worried about it, my experience was good. I had the sedative and although I did feel some discomfort in my throat at first, it must have knocked me out a bit because when it was over I thought it had only been 30 seconds and they said it was 5 minutes. I also gagged a bit but nowhere near as much as I thought I would and I think that was only when they were removing the tube. If I ever had to have it again I would definitely have the sedative again but I wouldn't be worried about the procedure at all.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone on this forum xx

1394paulg profile image
1394paulg in reply to GMYog


I’ve been looking on here for a while to see if anyone had SOME of the symptoms I have currently.

I’ve had GERD for around 2 years now with 2 endoscopies , 1 barium swallow , ct scans of my lungs, PH test and motility test, ultrasound and recently had the FEES procedure to investigate my swallowing as sometimes I aspirate drink into my lungs.

I cough up green mucus ( which non-one seemed to know what they were until I researched it and found it to be BRONCHIAL CASTS, like spaghetti.

My lungs are massively affected, I’m a 51year old man who’s always been active but now struggle walking up an incline.

So far after lots of chasing doctors and pushing for tests to be done and months of waiting between appointments, findings from tests are that I have a small Hiatus Hernia ( a year ago) and that my oesophageus muscles do not work.

Anyway, my main problem at the moment, is the excruciating pain in my chest, left arm and throat and between my shoulder blades that seems to be happening more and more now, I’m climbing the walls in pain, which eventually reduces after an hour or two after pacing around the room.m, but can last for hours on end, I’m exhausted with the lack of sleep.

I’ve changed my diet and on lansoprazole but it doesn’t seem to matter what I eat.

Any ideas why this pain is happening ?

My theory is the hiatus hernia where my stomach is poking through my diaphragm as this seems to be worse after sleeping quite elevated or if eating a little too much, but to be honest it can kick in at any time but much worse in the early hours of the morning.

Any help or advice from your personal experience would be appreciated along with anything advice wise that can help with the pain.


GMYog profile image

I'm so sorry you're suffering at the moment, your symptoms sound a lot worse than mine. I still have the pain between my shoulders, occasional pain down my arms and a horrible feeling of pressure on my chest sometimes. I also still have the sensation of something stuck in my throat from time to time but since I had the camera down and they found nothing, it isn't happening as often, I'm guessing the worry about cancer was making it worse.

I was supposed to be getting an appointment from the physiotherapist weeks ago to make sure the shoulder pain wasn't caused by something as simple as muscle tension, I'm still waiting for that appointment :(.

When I'm in bed, if I fall asleep on my left side or my back I frequently wake up gasping for breath, it's horrible. The only way I can sleep comfortably for any length of time is on my right side. When I tell the doctors this they look at me like I'm mad, they have no idea why it happens. My heart frequently feels like it's racing for no reason and makes me feel nauseous.

I have my heart scan on Friday, if that shows nothing wrong then I really don't know what the next step is for me. The thought of feeling like this for the rest of my life and not knowing why is very daunting.

I am trying not to have painkillers unless I know I'm not going to sleep. Has your doctor not given you anything for the pain? Not being able to sleep is awful :(

1394paulg profile image
1394paulg in reply to GMYog


I’m so sorry I did t reply, I didn’t have a notification come up.

I’ve since been to my GE who has told me that my CT scan shows Bronchiectasis !

This now really worries me as is damage to the lungs which is irreversible.

She has now recommended I have a full body CT scan to look for anything else.

For the pain she has prescribed AMITRIPTYLINE 10mg

But she cannot explain why the pain is there...

Couple of days ago I threw up a very stodgy brown liquid that burnt my throat and since then the pain has reduced and only comes on a little throughout the day but nights have been better?

So I was getting increasing extreme pain for a 3 week period and since throwing up it has improved.

So because my esophageus muscles don’t work I wonder whether it was fermenting food pressing on my oesophageus ???? I don’t know, just trying to work it out.

Anyway I still have no definite diagnosis, just been told my symptoms are complex.

Going to see the respiratory consultant this Thur and the physio team to help me with clearing mucus from my lungs which I understand can be dangerous if not brought up.


I have been told with my oesophageus muscles not working no surgeon will touch my hiatus hernia !!!!

Just want some light at the end of the tunnel

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