Barrett's Wessex, the regional support group of Barrett's Oesophagus Campaign covering the area from Bognor to Bristol, Basingstoke to Bridport, is holding its fourth annual public meeting at SOuthampton General Hospital on 4th July between 6:00 and 8:00pm in lecture theatre 1.
The FREE public meeting will feature a talk by consultant gastroenterologist, Dr Phil Boger focussing on the journey form heartburn to cancer and interventions etc. along the way to provide a clearer understanding of the condition for those with Barrett's Oesophagus.
After a refreshment break when the visiting specialists will be avilable for informal chat, the evning will conclude with an open question and answer forum when Dr Boger will be joined by Dr Praful Patel, senior consultant gastroenterologist from Southampton and his GI advanced nurse specialist, Shirley James.
Other consultants and experts who will be present include Dr Charlie Gordon from Bournemouth, Dr Paul Salmon, chairman of Barrett's Oesophagus Campaign, Prfoessor Tony Watson, Royal Free Hospital and Barrett's Oesophagus Campaign and Geoff Blyth from SynMed.
Anyone is welcome to just turn up on the evening. The route to the lecture theatre will be signposted from the main entrance.
Free car park exit tickets will be available at the meeting.
Hope to see some of you if you can make it.
Chris Robinson (