I have just come to the end of the chemo radiation and seemingly I now wait about three months before having a PET scan and a fibroscopy to see how effective the treatment has been and what might be the next steps. Just for my own sense of well being I am thinking about trying some complementary therapies such as acupuncture, reiki etc during the meanwhile. Just wondering if anyone has any experiences or observations relating to this? Thank you
Complementary therapies?: I have just... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Complementary therapies?
Hi there, our local Clan cancer support branch offers 6 free sessions of either reflexology or massage. I had the massage and found it really helpful from a relaxation point of view. I now go every few weeks at a reduced rate for massage. It’s definitely worth seeing if your local support centres offer these sort of treatments. I’m Scottish., so Clan is local to us, but there will be McMillan or other support centres wherever you are. Good luck!
After my surgery and post-op chemotherapy, I went on a two day retreat at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre (now Penny Brohn UK). It focused mainly on meditation and dietary advice, which I found very useful, but also included some other complimentary therapies.
The hospital offered me aroma therapy but I never had it due to limited availability and geographic travel issues. I was always booked for surgery at the correct interval after my chemoradiotherapy. I have had acupuncture several times for arthritic pain and it does help. My feeling is that any thing that feels good is probably a help as the better you feel about yourself the better you body can get on with healing processes