Hello! Can anyone recommend a magnesium supplement ? And has it been any help ? I have been told I could have a deficiency due to the PPIs which could be the cause of the cramps I’ve been having. Does anyone also have any problems with their eyes relating to deficiency’s?
magnesium and deficiencies - Oesophageal & Gas...
magnesium and deficiencies
Igennus Triple Magnesium Complex is good.
Being a vegetarian I became B12 deficient after taking Omeprazole for Barrett's Osophagus. It would be a good idea to get all your vitamins and minerals checked. I think everyone on PPIs long term should have regular checks.
You need to see your doctor about your eyes. Vitamins and minerals are used to treat early macula degeneration.
I had my oesophagectomy 17years ago and was always aware of magnesium deficiency caused by daily PPIs. Could only find creams and salts but I wanted a, daily supplement and after trying various brands and doing lots of research I finally decided one from Hey Nutrition called
Magnesium Complex. Its more expensive that than some other brands but I have now been taking it for over two years and it the one that suits me.
All the best