I am a 14 yr. survivor of EC and had the open Ivor Lewis surgery done in 2009. Over the years I have had to have an EGD for "stretching" purposes when my throat tightened up from the scar tissue that the surgery had caused. This helped a great deal. It wasn't until recently, maybe the past 5 years or so, that the doctor would also stretch the pyloric as well while he was in there.
The doctor mentioned to me that several people who have had EC surgery would go on to get a procedure known as the G-Poem to relieve the problems in which they were having. I asked what the problems were that they were having and he said nausea, throwing up - etc. I told him that I didn't have any of those problems (I was wondering why he was even mentioning this procedure to me at this time).
So, years passed and then I started throwing up - at first it was once in a months time and then it started more frequently and I was throwing up food that I had eaten the previous day or the day before. It was awful because it wasn't like normally throwing up but more like choking, gagging (sorry for the unpleasant description). Time went by and then I started throwing up daily for 5 days straight. This got me to go see my GI (I was non-weight bearing and not in very good shape after a surgery at the time in case anyone is wondering why I didn't go in immediately).
This was back in June (2023) and since then I have had 3 EGD's. The 1st two were pretty much a bust because he had a hard time being able to see anything and getting the scope through to the pyloric because there was so much debris (food) in the way. The 2nd time he went down in July he was able to do a little better, still debris, but he was able to stretch it some. He said it was a pin hole and no wonder no food was getting through. He said there was so much swelling around the pyloric and he couldn't have gone further than he did without making it bleed. He got it to about 10. I am not sure what measurement the 10 is but I do know that my other GI has gotten from 15 to 18 and then one time from 18 to 20 which 20 he said was the max that they can go. So, granted 10 is not large enough.
At this point he ordered an EUS to be done (which is an ultra sound wherein they can take a lot more biopsies deeper into the tissue then they can during an EGD). So, that procedure was done this past Friday and I am waiting on the biopsies. The same day I also had an EGD (they were back to back) for another attempted stretch after being on a strict liquid only diet for 2 days previously and the doc was able to stretch it to 15! That part is good but he is concerned about the fact that I had had an EGD in Oct. 2022 and just 8 months later it closed up - that should not happen.
So, the plan is to wait on the biopsies to come back to see if they give them any info. on why all this inflammation is happening and then I am set to go back in a week for him to see if he can stretch it more - he didn't want to do it all at once or it might start bleeding as it did the very 1st attempt.
Of course - many prayers are going on in my head that the big C is not going to show up anywhere on any biopsies. It just can't!!
When I asked the doc who did the EUS his opinion on how I originally got this pyloric stenosis problem (because I always thought it stemmed from the EC surgery since they re-wired our systems internally) he said: "if not from the surgery itself it is probably from the radiation you had". I hadn't thought about the radiation factor and the GI I used to go to had never mentioned that. My old GI just used to say that he has seen problems with the pyloric in a lot in people who have had an esophagectomy.
I put pyloric stenosis in the search bar above but the only thing that came up was people who had it as babies since normally that is the course of this but with us having had the "operation" we are now wired differently and that causes the pyloric to do what it is doing to me - apparently.
I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has experienced anything close to what is happening here. I was just surprised that nothing came up when I searched for it. I can't be the only one who has had this pyloric problem... or can I? 😁
Anything you have to contribute to my story would be so much appreciated.
I apologize for the length but I wanted to let everyone know exactly what was going on and leaving no holes in the story so you would all be better informed about what it is I am going through and hopefully have some input as to this awful thing that is happening.
I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to hear from you!