Hope you are all well. My mom had a review yesterday, bloods were fine, surgeon who performed initial esophagasectomy is saying she needs to have a corrective opp done so he can correct the loop which keeps coming up as a stricture, as well as adjusting the pyloric sphincter. Any words of advice? Anyone whose had to have a corrective surgery?
Pyloric Sphincter & Corrective Surger... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Pyloric Sphincter & Corrective Surgery of The Junction

There are some surgeons who make a cut in the pyloric sphincter to enable food to travel through better as a matter of course; others do the operation, and then review things and do a stretch or myotomy afterwards according to need (which is certainly logical). I think the surgeons believe that this corrective aspect is easily done afterwards and has a better chance of getting the best outcome in the long term. It seems daunting, but I think it is fairly routine.
I do not know about the loop aspect.

Thank you for your reply, makes sense. Yes, it does seem daunting. The way she is very fragile and only eating soft foods you tend to wonder how she will handle surgery.
My husband is five months post-esophagectomy.... he has had his pyloris stretched twice, which provided short term relief, but it is closed again now. Just had barium study on Thursday to confirm, and nothing is going down. Doctors are Planning on surgically opening it this week. We were told they can sometimes do this endoscopically but if he is not a candidate it will have to be done by laparoscopy. Definitely interested in hearing from anyone who has this done. He is back to liquid diet again, and even that doesn't always stay down... this is so heartbreaking to watch!
I completely understand what you are going through. My mom is 7 months post opp now and is surviving on porridge, fluids, she is also now having to go into early retirement based on medical reasons. Not easy for her to take it all in, she feels her entire world is collapsing.
I will let you know how all will go this week and will also hear from you. Prayers to you all. Xoxo
We just found out the she has a reoccurrence, there is a tumor on the esophageal junction, hence the narrowing of the oesophagus all this while. There is also some soft tissue in the lungs with no thrombus.
What a roller coaster of emotions, my mom is feeling devastated. Tomorrow we will hear what the oncologist will say in regards to the way forward.
I am so sorry to hear this. Best wishes for tomorrow - hopefully they can put together a treatment plan to get her through this.
Will be thinking about you.
Elaine x
How did your mum get on with her appointment? I hope it went o.k. and that there is treatment available for her. x
Hi Eli55, thank you for the check up. Mom is in hospital now, on morphine eating porridge mostly.
Surgery is scheduled for early next week, she had a partial gastrectomy in Feb. They may have to do a Total gastrectomy this time.
Unfortunately, I am in another country next door. Wish l could be there even more but l have to work to cater for her bills. New job and l am still on probation. I will try and ask for leave.
Learning to pray and trust the Lord. Have unshakeable faith.
You have a lot on your plate, and it must be difficult if you are not local. I'm very glad to hear she can have another op, and hopefully this will be the beginning of her recovery.
Good luck to you both. xx
Hi Eli, thank you. Opp has been postponed since she is now eating and pain is under control. They want to try and keep her in so she can improve on nutrition, l think the surgeon doesnt think she is a good candidate for a major opp since she has lost lots of weight. They will reveal the opp option next week, if not she will get started on the chemo targeted therapy......
I hope she continues to improve. Chemo can work well - our neighbour's dad was diagnosed last year and unable to have surgery. They tried him on some chemo trial - he had rather a bad reaction, and was in hospital for several weeks. However, it drastically shrunk the tumour and kept it in check for 18 months. He is just having a bit of a "top up" now as there were signs of change. Otherwise he is doing well, so don't give up!
Hi milz,
I was just checking in on you, and hope your mom is getting stronger. Brad had his procedure on Friday, with good results.... able to eat soft foods and hydrate.... weight holding steady for now
I can relate to what a hard time you are having...just wanted to send you a virtual hug, for what it's worth 💕
Aaaaw you are so sweet, thank you so much. Glad to hear that Brad is getting stronger by the day.
I am fine, mom was discharged yesterday. She is staying at her sisters place for now. Ended up not having surgery but pain medication, nutrition and tenofovir. They will continue monitoring her so she can start targeted therapy imanitib.
Great news!
Just got off the phone with my aunt, Mom is in pain again. Think it was all suppressed in hospital with the pain meds. Even she said l think l should just go ahead with the opp if it will at least help with this pain.
I hope my leave will be approved so l can go and visit her next week.