hi my name is Sam, my dad was diagnosed with oesophagus cancer in June. It has spread to his femur and is now unoperable due to this. He has to have chemo for 6 months. Everything i read on google is saying he will only live another 5 years if that!. Ive brought my wedding forward because im so scared my dad wont be here to walk me down the aisle. Hes sleeping all the time, lost so much weight and has terrible pains in his stomach. If anyone has any stories to tell, I'd love to hear from you.
Need some positive stories: hi my name... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Need some positive stories
hello Sam,
Sorry to know of your father's diagnosis. Glad that you managed to find this forum to seek help. Also suggest visiting website for the oesophageal cancer charity OPA.org.uk for more detailed literatures on diagnosis, treatments, and other pathway.
Hello, Samleek,
I’m very sorry to hear of your father’s diagnosis. There are many resources on the internet; I hope that you’ll find them useful. This site is a great resource.
No cancer is easy to deal with, and you’ll learn a lot during this journey. Esophageal cancer is no walk in the park. Had I been the one who was ill, I would have been unbearable. But my husband never lost his sense of humor. We had many wonderful days together before he died. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by a diagnosis. Don’t focus on what might be five years from now. Find the wonderful in today. I’ll be praying for your Dad & all your family. May God’s peace surround you all.
I agree with blueknitter. It’s natural to hope for a miracle, and I will be praying you get one, but try to focus on making the most of the time you have with your dad. I hope and pray he manages to walk you down the aisle. Best Wishes, James.