Hi all im after a bit of advice my dad is just over 2 weeks post op and as i explained in my other posts my dad has a chyle leak and therefore he need a liquid fat free diet. Hes allowed things like soup , jelly and weetabix. He also has the jeg over night.
He is not sleeping because of the pain in the drain site and is up all night going for a wee 5-6 times per night. He is currently on zopliclone for his sleeping but this no longer works.
He is getting very very weak and is sleeping during the day.
Im worried my dad is becoming malnourished due to loose stools and lack of protien ect in his diet. He is a stickler for doing everything the hospital has told him to eat.. i advised him to drink an isotonic and add some chicken in his soup and blend it but he keep saying well no dont think im allowed.
Any advice please ? My dad was doing so well but he looks dreadful now.