Hi guys,
I have had to have another endoscopy as my digestion isn’t working properly again, doesn’t matter how much creon I take food isn’t staying put . Of course my Bi- Polar has kicked in and I’m now panicking there’s something wrong with my pancreas, I turned 60 at the beginning of the month and my brother was diagnosed at 60 with bladder cancer which spread and he lost his battle at 62, of course my illogical side is saying this will be me! As much as I try to stay positive I’m finding it increasingly hard.
Yesterday didn’t help with the fact that my consultant couldn’t get through the gastric conduit. I now have to go under general anaesthetic next Friday to see what’s going on. It says “ uncertain status gastric conduit at diaphragm “. Has anyone had this happen to them?
I have had a CT scan which he said looked good, so I am taking that on board, but does a CT scan show all abnormalities, I don’t know. I am scared witless at what may be found.
On the positive side I think if anything is found then hopefully it will be early enough to treat and cure. I know as much as I try to put this aside it will worry me sick, it doesn’t help either with a friend of mine saying that I’ve had cancer once , I’ll get it again ! I know she didn’t mean it in the way it was said but still…..
Any advice , help, reassurance would be great.