Nearly 3 weeks ivor Lewis is tightness more across right side a normal side effect actually feel like I can’t breath sometimes don’t know what’s normal or not 🥲
Tightness in chest and right side - Oesophageal & Gas...
Tightness in chest and right side

Hi you’re very early days post Ivor Lewis. Hopefully you have good pain relief to get you through. I’d say this is ‘normal’ this close to your op but if you’ve any concerns speak to your team for advice & reassurance & to rule out any possibility of wound site infection or post op pneumonia.I had my surgery just over a year ago & still have tightness & pain around right side where they removed a rib & fractured another one. I feel for me it’s an acceptable trade off to allow me to still be here. There is also potentially damage to nerves around this area too. I had an empyema around R lung 6 weeks after surgery & that caused an increase in pain around my right side as well as a general feeling of malaise & required hospitalisation for two & half weeks & IV antibiotics
Good luck with your healing & take care
It's early days yet. I had my IL last February and I still have tightness on the right side I find that deep breathing exercises help I also get pulling in the scar and do gentle stretching excercises combined with breathing help it's gently does it fot the time being. Be patient with your body you have just had a very big operation. Rest when you need to, if you can manage it walk a little every day and be kind to yourself. Be happy you are still here and be kind to yourself.Good luck
I am two years post and still have a lot of
Tightness in my right side. The fascia is all scarred and it takes along time for this to heal.
Remember all of the nerves, muscle, fascia, skin etc that has been cut all needs to heal and it heals tighter than it used to be.
I started Pilates about 6 months ago and I wish I had started it earlier. I also found acupuncture helped me a lot.
Breathing in deep does not hurt anymore but coughing still makes me grab my rib cage.
Hang in there, big operation and rough recovery but as you said, we are still here!
Good Morning my husband is almost 8 weeks post op from having the IL .Chest pain is really normal at this early stage . My husband also has had a terrible cough which is proving very problematic.This has now been addressed by the hospital and medication has been increased . The pain will decrease but it’s a time frame issue . Watch out for chest infections if you become wheezy contact your GP ASAP .
All the best for a good recovery it’s a long road which we are travelling down. .
Hello, my husband is 20 months post IL surgery. He still feels pain on his right side even after carrying our 2months old granddaughter. He also feels pain on the top part of his back sitting on hard backed chairs.
He has appts monthly with an osteo. He only started these sessions a month ago hoping to learn some stretches to ease the pain on right side and back.
Yes totally agree that if possible to do short bouts of daily walking. Even if it is inside your home.
Sorry, typo husband is currently 10 mths post IL.