NHS letter to keep safe from coronavirus
John had the 4 page NHS letter yesterday from his GP which is a bit misleading. On the one hand it says he shouldn't go out for 12weeks so when I entered all his details on the Gov website for help and support I got to the part where it asks if John suffers from any of the 6 listed conditions considered to be very high risk and giveI ticked no because he had IL in May 2019 and last chemo on 2 Oct 2019. Immediately it flashed up that he was not eligible for help. So he hasn't to go out because in the words of the letter he's at severe risk if he catches coronavirus but isn't eligible and can't register for any assistance.
I think I see what they're trying to say but they should make it clear that you can only register for help and support if you have one of the 6 listed conditions. I also think the letter was very poorly set out because by putting the list of the 6 conditions at the very end of the letter many people will just look at that and say well this doesn't apply to me because I've got none of those. Difficult times.
Take care everyone and keep safe.