My brother was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in August last year at 27 years old. The cancer had spread to his liver so the doctor advised it wouldn’t be possible to operate. He had Chemo and was then scanned, the scan showed the tumour ‘less bulky’ in his oesophagus and they couldn’t see it on his liver. He then had a stent as he struggled to eat again (unsure why) and after that had radiotherapy which he has recently finished. He currently is in pain and has to lean over constantly to find comfort. He thinks it’s because of his stent. He’s still being told he can’t have an operation as it may not have gone 100% from his liver. Have any of you been told you are unable to have an operation but in the end have had one? Or have you had constant discomfort and maybe could recommend ways/medication that helped you cope? Would really appreciate any positive information you have.
Pain from Stent and Inoperable cancer... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Pain from Stent and Inoperable cancer of the Oesophagus
Hi Hank11,
sorry to hear about your brothers condition. My liver mets were found after operation so I was lucky to have had surgery. I have read of people being told no operation to then be told due to shrinking of mets an operation becomes possible. Another option could be radio frequency ablation of liver mets . I think all options depend on how badly the liver is affected and position of mets . They also can inject chemo beads into liver to target specific areas but I forget what this treatment is called. Wish you well with treatment.
Thank you for saying that and giving me hope in regards to people having an operation after being told they wouldn’t. We just have everything crossed!
Hi Hank11,
Sorry you're riding the emotional roller coaster. Brother so young. Keep the faith..
Gonna tell my story, hope it helps.. been hanging around here for a few years..1st post. Many testimonies here have helped me.
I'm 69 have had heart burn since 18. In August 2016 after having 3 or 4 drinks in evening heartburn wouldn't go away with antacids, baking soda so VA in December, scoped and diagnosed me with esophagus cancer. Finally following spring started chemo and radiation preparing for operation. On June 1 VA Hospital prepped me for surgery but then doctor came in, said too many nurses called in and he canceled surgery. Rescheduled for month later. June 29 prepped and started Iver Lewis( minimally invasive), found spot on liver, had it biopsied as cancer and closed me back up. As I was waking my surgeon was telling me this and that I was stage 4. 12 days later I got call at home, doctor was telling me pathologist made mistake, that it was not cancer and rescheduled surgery for August 10. Finally had IL and have been doing fine except in May 2018 had rt kidney removed from kidney cancer and am preparing for removal of left one in a month or 2(supposedly unrelated to esophageal cancer).
So keep the faith and keep digging.. We all wish you guys well.
Thank you for sharing your story with me Ted. I wish you well with the removal of the left kidney and that it all goes ok for you! You too keep the faith!
Hi sorry to hear about your brother but keep strong. This website is brilliant for all information and helpful tips, it kept me strong and I am now 7 years post ivory Lewis and I have my life back and going strong, I wish you all well xx
Thank you for that, we hope he can have the surgery. We have everything crossed. Glad to hear you’re ok 7 years on. X
I used ground apricot kernels and cannabis oil. I am not a doctor and can only relate my story. I suggest you use YouTube to see what you think of both.
God bless you
Sorry to hear about your brother. I can relate with you as my brother was also diagnosed with oesophagus cancer 2 months ago. After a number of scans he was told he could not have an operation as it has spread to liver and one lung. He had a stent put in a few weeks back and is also feeling a lot of discomfort (currently waiting to have an X-ray to check it). He is eating better with the stent but mainly soft and easy to swallow foods. He does experience some vomiting as-well which really sets him back and his pain increases. He is waiting to start chemo and we were told that even if the spots on the liver and lung are killed off with the chemo, that an operation may still not be an option due to the recovery period being 6-12 months and if the cancer appears anywhere else during the post op period, they will not be able to treat with chemo as the body wouldn’t be able to cope.
We are desperately trying alternatives; cannabis oil, Essiac tea and CBD oil. I am also looking into apricot kernels if anyone has any testimonials??
I hope your brothers stent improves and the possibility of an op is on the table for you to consider. Keep fighting you are not alone🙏
Sorry to hear about your brother! I can tell you what we’ve been through from the start. My brother decided not to have the stent at first as he could swallow high calorie drinks. He started Chemo two weeks after he was diagnosed and had 6 rounds of that. He found through the chemo he could eat more. He had a scan during it and they couldn’t see it on his liver anymore. However, towards the end of chemo he started having trouble swallowing again. He had a camera had they thought the oesophagus went narrower due to scarring from the Chemo. He had a stent put in and then all the discomfort came and he lost quite a bit of weight. He then started radiotherapy and he finished that about 8 weeks ago. That made him sick and lose even more weight. The stent has helped with swallowing but he has gases and can’t burp? Yesterday we had the results from another scan and it showed in the oesophagus and no where else. We’re happy with that, waiting for the next step now. They said the radiotherapy could still be working to shrink the tumour in the oesophagus so hopefully it will!! We hope that if he is scanned a lot and it still doesn’t show on the liver and then tumour shrinks hopefully they will say about an op. I hope your brother has good results from chemo, let me know if any of the cannabis oil etc works from him! Keep strong! X
Keep up with the cannabis oil. Take 6 apricot kernels ground up in a coffee grinder. Take them with fruit juice. Do this 8 times a day. That is what I did.
Good luck and God bless you
I was told near the start that if the cancer had spread at all, i would just get palliative care. It hadnt so I was lucky. Keep asking, they may say yes