Hi all, just a quick query. I’ve had this kind of persistent folding feeling around the breastbone that’s accompanied with this sensation that feels like there’s liquid in the surrounding chest region to the left and was wondering if anyone else has experience with a similar pain. I’m 24 and have had cardiac issues ruled out and I’ve been diagnosed with costochondritis in the past so I’ve dealt with the jabbing pain in that chest wall region before but the fluid sensation is new and kind of unnerving honestly - my reflux has been pretty bad recently so I was wondering if it’s resulting from that. I’ll probably go to the GP on Monday for assistance with it, although I do feel bad for bothering them on what feels like a bi-weekly basis as of late.
Thanks to those who posted tips on my last reflux post - I’m due a 24hr pH monitoring test, manometry and barium swallow in just over a week and was told if they come back inconclusive they’d have to look elsewhere for the root of the problem. Have been pushing for a colonoscopy due to the presence of IBS-like symptoms alongside the reflux so hopefully that will be an immediate option.
Many thanks.