I have been referred by my doctor for a gastroscope for acid reflux problem but when I rang up to book the appointment I had also been referred for a colonoscopy is this normal ?
Thank you in advance for your advice
I have been referred by my doctor for a gastroscope for acid reflux problem but when I rang up to book the appointment I had also been referred for a colonoscopy is this normal ?
Thank you in advance for your advice
Hi I have just had both these procedures last week as I suffer with reflux but I had blood in my stool & had polyps removed 3 years ago but my GP sends me for these every few years but had a gastrocopy also where they found a node in my stomach & wanted to keep their eye on both but I am pleased to say I don’t have to go back for 5 years as all clear yay but I was told it was easier to do both these together to rule a number of problems out so I did but all good & good luck with your procedures
I had both these procedures done at the same time xx
Hi there,
I think we all felt the same when we were told we had to have both, but it is in your best interest and it helps the team with their diagnosis of your problems so don't worry about it.
I would however, having had many of these investigations during my illness advise on insisting on sedation for the procedures.
It will mean that someone has to collect you from the hospital and you can't drive for twenty four hours, but believe me it really is the best way, and instead of feeling panicky with instruments being pushed into your body; you will just wake up in a recovery bed and know nothing about it.
Good luck and I hope the results are good
I think so. Most people I've talked to said they usually get an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time, especially if it's the first time and they are complaining about pain and issues with chronic reflux/GERD.
After complaining about my recent ailments, they are giving me both procedures later this month.