Hi .. had hiatus hernia treated last september through nissan 360. No more reflux but my oesoph narrowing persists due to scar tissue built up during reflux days. Oesoph narrowing means food backs up and as a result my oesoph , in aug17, was found to be funnel shaped .. 10x width of a normal oesoph: not good but unless told, i wouldnt know about my oesoph width as it doesnt directly affect me.
Doctor was hoping that post N360 my oesoph would shrink back to a normal shape but this hasnt happened. Hosp looking further at issue and checking me out for other issues and alchalasia is one.
Routinely i had an endoscopy about 3wks ago. The procedure was abandoned due to too much food residue in oesoph (fasted 24hrs). A second endosc with a stretch (fasted 48hrs) was also abandoned last week for similar reasons.
I had a huge premolar extracted 4wks ago and i think the food residue issues might poss be related to the fact that im not chewing my food so well since tooth extraction.
However .. i havent got the full gist of what the hospital's plan is (outpatient apptmt 28sep) but the snippets ive picked up at the hospital are that they are now considering carrying out the stretch using radiotherapy. Does that treatment chime with anyone please and could they outline whats involved.
Regards and good health to all