any suggestions? it causes me bad dyspnea and i cant live with it anymore...
cures and remedies for hiatal hernia? - Oesophageal & Gas...
cures and remedies for hiatal hernia?

Have you read about Nissen Fundoplication and LINX band? Assuming you are talking about HH of the lower GE junction. Both the options are curative to certain extent; where HH is of higher grade NS360 may be the best choice and the LINX option (few NHS trust offers this) where HH is of lesser grade.
Disclaimer, I am not dr and only suggestions to read further.
Hiatus hernias can be repaired surgically, and when they are serious, as yours may well be, it is quite important that this is done. There is a common belief amongst some surgeons that when they are relatively minor they are best left untreated. Sometimes the surgical repair does not last for as long as one would wish. There are also options like the Linx device, a magnetic bracelet that re-creates the lower oesophageal sphincter valve, that can be used effectively in some cases.
So your best bet is to ask your GP for a referral for assessment for surgery. It might well mean a couple of days or so in hospital.
Im assuming u get reflux ... Pre any hh procedure u need to minimise risk of acid burning oesoph. I didnt .. nhs fixed my hh but the acid burns caused scarring leaving me with a perm narrowin of oesoph .. so perm swallowin diffs .. init they thought scarring cld b Cancer.
So considet
.. lose weight
.. exercise
.. elevated bed
.. water by bedside to sip shld any acid come up = flush
.. dont eat late or large meals
.. lay on left side wiv pillow wedgd in back so where oesoph hits stomach is at highest point .. nb think its lhs .. chec