Hi Everyone. I have been meaning to write on the above subject.
Although this has been happening over the last couple years I think I may have been in denial. My left knee gave out to what I was diagnosed as Osteoarthritis and, as we all do, I was favoring the opposite side that an injury has occurred. So, I started "leaning" to my right. It became my "lean" to the very few family members I have left.
I really should have gotten the message when my right rib started sticking out!!!
I don't socialize at all and in this case - that is kind of unfortunate because they say that people recognize the difference in things - uneven shoulders, walking differently, leaning, etc. My husband has of course noticed but he sees me on a daily basis so that makes it a bit different.
Well, I have "scoliosis" which seemed to have progressed very quickly in the last year - two of my doctors stated this. One, a neurosurgeon, wants to do surgery, putting in Rods and bolts and God only knows what other things he said - after the word Surgery and Rods my mind turned blank.
When I asked how this could happen, after I am asked the usual question - have I had Scoliosis my whole life - I have been told that there are a small amount of adults who do get Scoliosis n adulthood but, in many cases (such as mine) they feel that it could be from the radiation, possibly the chemo and even possibly the surgery.
I started physical therapy AGAIN and had my initial appt. the other day wherein we just talk, etc. This isn't my first time around the physical therapy ring.
It is a very hard pill to swallow after everything that has been going on and ya'll know what I mean by that.
Sometimes I just wish that I could have something wrong with me one thing at a time - instead of everything all at once.
I now have a brace, big and bulky but at least not like those old "turtle shells" as the nurse who gave me the velcro one called them. The way he described it was like a person getting fitted for a cast on their leg from a broken leg - boy, that would be hot in the summer time - even if you DIDN'T go anywhere. This one also gets warm in the heat - but, in comparison - I doubt as hot as the shell.
Well, any input anyone would have on any familiarity would be great.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone - especially on top of what we already have to deal with.
Take care everyone!
Have a good weekend!