I was told that they had found something 2 weeks before that when I had the endoscope which gave me a chance to get my head around it, in those 2 weeks I proposed to my husband (we had originally planned on getting married that June but had a fall out for a short while) and had registered my intent to marry.
I was brought into hospital the night before (I think that they had planned on starting treatment straight away as had such severe problems eating for the 6 months before) but I was 32 and asked for fertility preservation (I was told it was too late to freeze my eggs as the time taken would have delayed treatment even more), they did use aother treatment though and my children are 6 and 7 now.
My husband and I are having our celebration on Monday - I did not celebrate last year as I lost my cousin and some close friends to this.
My children have always known what happened to their mother before they were born and have appeared with me on TV in the past promoting awareness of our condition.