Its just 21/2 weeks I have gone form they found a tumour to its T4 and spread to our organs lungs and diapham . I got this news and Monday and was told they would call me about an appointment with an oncologist , I still am waiting . I feel so alone that no one cares [ I am not alone it me and my partner ] I do not know what is to happen and when and feel like I've been abandon .
Tumour and results of CT scan - Oesophageal & Gas...
Tumour and results of CT scan

Please don't feel alone Bill, there will always be someone on here you can talk to. Also there are some very knowledgeable people on this site who will be able to give you good advice.
Kind Regards
You are not alone. These things take time but I understand your feelings of urgency. I am sure they will get back to you soon with an appointment. People on this site will make sure you are not alone when it comes to advice. Best wishes, James.
I hope you have had some contact from the hospital by now, but if not have you tried contacting the MacMillan nurses? My friend had a lot of support from them, and they might be able to liaise on your behalf.
The treatment plans are discussed by the Multi Disciplinary Team, and this does sometimes take a couple of weeks, so it does seem to be a very frustrating period between the diagnosis and knowing what can be done in terms of treatment. It is also the period when, mentally, you are coming to terms with the future and how you are going to cope. In some ways it is the best time to go to see a counsellor at the Cancer Centre (there may be a Maggie's Centre or an equivalent) because it is a lot to get your head round.
Please go to a Maggies Centre or contact MacMillan Nurses without delay. There is help and compassion out there waiting to help. Your cancer treatment team will be on your case and will hopefully been in touch again by now with a firm programme of the process for you. Stay in touch with this forum. Very best wishes.
Thank for every ones help . I have now spoken to the nurse practitioner who has advised they are carry our an additional test on the biopsy taken . The result should be available on Monday - they will them arrange an appointment with an Oncologist for the treatment plan . Which will properly be a coarse of chemo . Just hope its starts soon and that it shrinks the tumours .
I just wise that they would keep you up to speed with what they are doing .